The Date

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***Jake's POV***

"So?" I said, confused and even more nervous.

"Umm, I don't know how to say this..." Jess said grabbing my hand which was on the table. I pulled my hand away and looked down "Just say it." I said quietly.

"I just think....umm....not right now. I don't think we should rush into things." I felt tears filling my eyes.

***Jess' POV***

I saw a tear fall from Jakes face. I lifted his head up and kept my hand on his chin, just like yesterday when we first talked. "But we can still be the best of friends though Jake." I said smiling, I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. He smiled and nodded whilst wiping his tears from his cheeks. I took my hand away from his face to wipe away a tear that I felt roll down my cheek.

"Excuse me." He said before getting up and heading the the mens.

***Jake's POV***

I went into the mens and as soon as I shut the door I burst out crying. There was a guy in their and he looked at me weird. "What?!?!" I shouted, "Never seen a heart broken man before?!?!" He said sorry and walked out. I looked in the mirror, I was a mess. I didn't know what to do with myself, I couldn't stop crying. You know, after our date in the park and lovely dinner I thought that she was gonna say yes and that we were going to grow old together. I know she didn't mean to break my heart, but she kinda did. I needed to talk to someone, I knew that Danny was with Jenny and Charley had gone to visit his family so I called Lewi, he was the only one who was at home. He picked up almost straight away.

***Lewi's POV***

I was at on the sofa watching TV when I got a call from Jake.

"Ayy Jakeyboi!! How's it going?!" I asked eagerly but he didn't reply. I could hear him sniffing and crying. "Woah!! Jake, what's happened?!" I was really worried.

"She said no!!" You could hear the trembling in his voice, he was distraught.

"Mate, what do ya mean?!"

"I asked her if we were official and she said not right now and that we can be best friends but I want to be more than best friends!!!" He was shouting now.

"Ok Jake, calm down. Umm, just respect her decision, I'm sure you two will be the best of friends for the rest of your lives mate!" I said, trying to calm him down.

"But I love her Lewi!!!" He was so distraught, I didn't even know what to say.

"I know ya do Jake!! I know, how about you bring her back to the house and I'll make hot chocolate for us and we can watch a few films, yeh?"

"Yeh." He said, you could still here the heart break in his voice.

"Ok mate, pay for ya meal and come back to the house."

"Ok, thanks Lewi." He said, still sniffing.

"It's fine mate, it's what I'm here for! See ya in a minute!"

"Bye." He hung up. I was shocked, after yesterday I was sure they were going to get to together, they seemed so in love!!

***Jake's POV***

After I hung up I looked in the mirror again, I still looked a mess. I sorted myself out as best as I could before taking a deep breath and walking back to our table.

***Jess' POV***

Finally, Jake came back. Aaw, my poor baby, his eyes were red from crying, he could barely talk when he sat down. I didn't mean to upset him.

"Lewi said we could go back to the house and have some hot chocolate and watch films. What do ya think?" His voice wobbled when he spoke, he looked up at me with his puppy dog eyes. He's so adorable.

"Sure." I said smiling. We got up, Jake payed and we started walking back. I saw his hand dangling by his side, I grabbed it. We walked back holding hands, friendly of course.

***Lewi's POV***

After Jake's phone call, I wasn't sure how my little surprise for them would go down. I heard the door open and in walked Jake and Jess, holding hands. They were meant to be, I don't know why Jess just wouldn't admit it!

"Ayy guys!!" I said trying to brighten the mood, they had both obviously been crying their eyes out.

"Hey Lew...ummm...why is all my stuff here?" Jess asked me, letting go of Jake's hand and grabbing her suitcases.

"Umm, surprise!" I said awkwardly, "I talked to your mum and she agreed to you moving in with us!" She looked shocked, oh dear...

"Oh my god!! Thank you soo much Lewi!!" She ran to me and kissed me on the cheek, I saw Jake turn his head away, it obviously pained him.

"What about school though?" Jess was 17 and just finishing her last year at school.

"Me or one of the other boys will drive you to school every morning!" She gave me a hug and thanked me, I pulled a way because I saw Jake starting to tear up again. "So!" I said trying to change the subject quickly, "Who wants some hot chocolate then?!"

We sat down on the sofa with our hot chocolates and watched a film. I sat on the edge of the sofa, Jess sat next to me and Jake sat next to Jess. I saw Jess budge up to Jake and put her head on his shoulder, then he put his head on hers. I saw him smile and get comfortable. I could tell that they were going to be the cutest best friends ever.

💙💚💛💜 Authors Note 💙💚💛💜

Heyy guys!! I literally had tears in my eyes whilst writing this chapter!! I hope you like it!! I might do a double update tonight, idk tho, it depends if I get the next bit written tho.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!! I love you guys!! Keep being awesome!! 😘

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