The Friendship

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***Lewi's POV***
I could tell that they were going to be the cutest best friends ever.
We watched Bad Teacher (which is fucking hilarious) then Finding Neverland (just to embarrass Jake) and then Bad Neighbours. Jess and Jake fell asleep half way through Bad Neighbours though. I watched it until the end and then turned the TV off and went to bed.
***Jake's POV***
I woke up at around 2:00am with Jess' head resting on my shoulder. Fuck. She's so adorable. I gently lifted her up and took her to my bedroom. I gently placed her on my bed and pulled the covers over her. I sat on the side of my bed for a little while watching her sleeping. I was stroking her hair when I heard the door creak a little bit. I saw Lewi standing in the door way wearing just his boxers.
"What you doing mate?" Lewi said sitting down next to me.
"Just watching." I said smiling, not taking my eyes off of Jess.
"So you're watching a teenager sleep, ya creep!" He said laughing.
"Oh shut up!" I punched him on the arm playfully. Then we were silent. "I love her you know Lewi."
"I know mate." He patted me on the back. We sat in silence for a little longer. "Well I'm going back to bed mate, don't stay here for much longer or you'll be a grumpy bastard in the morning!" He winked at me and walked out of the room.
I stayed there watching and stroking her hair for quite a while longer. I looked at my phone, 3:30am. I had been sitting with her for an hour and a half. Fuck, I'm in love with her.
I bent over her and kissed her on the forehead before leaving to go to Charley's room. His room was the closest and I didn't trust myself in the same bed as Jess.
***Jess' POV***
I woke up at 11:00am. I looked around, I was sure I didn't fall asleep here. I saw a black hat on the door, clothes everywhere and a mess of hair products etc on the drawers. I automatically knew that I was in Jake's room. I sat up in bed and Jake popped his head through the door.
"You're awake at last then!" He said coming in and sitting on the side of the bed, he was wearing just his boxers
"Don't look at me!! I've just woken up!! I probably look like a zombie!!" I laughed pulling the cover over my head.
"No, you look fine!!" He said, trying to pull the cover off of me. He wouldn't give up and we ended up having a play fight until I accidentally slapped him on the cheek. He sat up and grabbed his cheek.
"I'm so sorry!!" I shouted putting my hand on his. He just stayed frozen. I lifted his head up to see if he was ok, it was then that he pounced on me, tickling me so much that I couldn't breath. I shouted at him to stop and he did. We laid on the bed next to each other staring at the ceiling, getting our breath back.
"So!" Jake said all of a sudden, "You're ticklish then!!" He said laughing, still staring at the ceiling.
"Yeehhh..." I said laughing and turning my head towards him. He turned his head so that we were looking into each other's eyes. "How about you?" I said smiling.
"Hmmm...You'll have to catch me to find out!!" He said, turning to get off of the bed and run off. I grabbed him around the waist before he could get up and pulled him towards me. I tickled his sides causing him to laugh. Then he turned around and started to tickle me again. "Nooo!!" I shouted. Our tickle fight lasted for quite a while until Lewi walked in.
"What's going on in here then?!" He walked in winking at Jake. I suppose it did look kinda strange since Jake (in his boxers) and me (still in yesterday's clothes) were laying together on a messy bed. "C'mon you two, lunch is on the table!" Lewi said walking out of the room. Jake got up and held his hand out for me. I took his hand and he pulled me
up. He kept a tight hold on my hand dragging me into the kitchen with him.
"Wow Lewi, cheese and crackers!! Gourmet lunch right here!!" Jake said letting go of my hand and sitting down.
"Oh shut up!! I thought I better make something since you two were doing fuck knows what in your bedroom!!" He said smirking and tucking into his cheese and crackers.
"Tickle fight. We were having a tickle fight." Jake said glaring at Lewi.
"Yeh...sure..." Lewi said winking at Jake, he smiled. We sat and ate our cheese crackers and then went to watch tv.
"Why don't you go and put some pyjamas on and we can have a lazy Sunday?" Jake said turning to me, still wearing just his boxers.
"Ok then!" I said jumping up and going to Jake's room. Jake said I could share his wardrobe since I didn't have my own room at their house, I mean, our house. I grabbed the first pair of pyjamas I spotted (Bambi ones) and got changed. I went back out and saw that Lewi was now just in his boxers as well. I stood in the middle of the room looking at them both. I shook my head and sat down next to half naked Jake.
"Those are cute." He said, his eyes still glued to the tv.
"What?" I said looking at him.
"Those pyjamas." He said looking at me and smiling.
"Thanks." I said shyly, I could feel myself blushing. We watched tv for a little while and then the Bad Teacher DVD case caught my eye.
"Shit!!" I said all of a sudden, making Jake and Lewi jump.
"What's the matter?!" Jake looked at me and seemed really worried.
"I forgot, I have school tomorrow and I still have a ton of homework!"
"Don't worry." Jake said getting up, "I'll help ya!!" He said heading towards his bedroom. I got up and followed him.
"Aaw, thanks!" I said sitting down on his bed.
"No problem." He said grabbing my school bag for me and sitting down next to me.
I got out my history book and turned to the page with my notes for an essay. I turned my laptop on and started a new word document. I wrote the title; 'Medicine Through Time' and then heard my phone buzz on the bedside table. It was my mum. I walked into the kitchen to talk to her.
***2 hours later***
"Sorry about that, just mum being mum!" I said sitting back down next to Jake (still just in his boxers may I point out) "Jake!!" I said looking at my laptop screen, "You've written my essay for me!!"
"Well, I did say that I would help you out!" He said smirking.
"Aaw!! Thank you soooo much!!" I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, in a friendly way.
"It's fine, I always kinda liked history anyway!" We laughed. My eye caught my reflection in the mirror. "Oh god, my hair looks a mess!! Ugh, that means I have to straighten it as well as do my Media and Maths homework!!" I put my head in my hands until I felt Jake got off of the bed.
"I'll straighten your hair for you whilst you do your maths homework." He said plugging the hair straighteners into the wall and turning them on.
"Aaw, I don't know what I would do without you Jake!" I smiled at him as he sat down behind me and started to brush my hair. I got out my maths book as Jake looked over my shoulder.
"Simultaneous equations." He said reading the title in my book. "Well I've never been very good with x's and y's but I'll do my best to help!" He said laughing and picking up the hair straighteners. I sat there working out what x and y equals whilst Jake sat behind me straightening my hair.
"Done!" He said after a while. He turned the hair straighteners off and put them with all of his hair products. I was just finishing the last question in my maths book.
"5x+y=15 and 3x+y=11, what is x and y?" I said as Jake looked over my shoulder at my book.
"x=2 and y=5!!" He said, sounding very proud of himself.
"Well done clever cloggs!!" I said, writing down the answer before putting my maths book away. "Right, now for Media homework!!" I said laying down in front of my laptop. Jake laid next to me. "I have to analyse a scene from a music video." I said, typing in 'Wait On Me - Rixton'
"Well, I'm sure I can help you with this!" He said smiling and snuggling up close to me. We laid there for about an hour until we had finished. I put the document on my memory stick along with the essay that Jake wrote for me. I stood up and walked into the living room, Jake following me closely behind.
***Lewi's POV***
Finally! Jake and Jess came back out of the bedroom. I had heard them talking and giggling like little girls, well, they both are basically...
"Did you two have fun?" I asked trying to make conversation.
"Well, if you call writing an essay and working out what x and y is fun, then yeh, I suppose so!" Jake said, lumping down on the sofa.
"It was quite fun doing it with this retard though!" Jess said, sitting down next to him. He gave her a death stare and she gave one right back at him. We sat and watched tv until there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it." I said, peeling myself off of the sofa. It was Josh, Jake's best friend since they were like 10 and now Rixton's best friend!!
"You alright mate?!" I said, giving him a man hug and letting him in.
"Yeh!! You?" He said walking into the living room.
"Yeh mate." I said following him.
"Ayy Jakeyboi!! And you must be Jess!!" He said sitting down next to Jake. We all spoke for a little while.
"Why don't we watch a film or something?" Josh said getting up and walking to the pile of DVDs next to the tv. We all agreed and picked out a film. We watched The Fault In Our Stars since Jake and Jess both said that they were in the mood for a romantic film. Me and Josh both agreed because we thought it might help Jake get in there with Jess. Josh put the DVD in and went to sit down next to Jake but when he turned around, he saw that Jess was sat on his lap.
"What do you think you're doing?!" He said jokingly to Jess
"Snuggling up to my best friend!!" She said settling into Jake's lap.
"Excuse me but I'll think you'll find that Jake has been my snuggly best friend since we were like 10 years old!!" He said, putting his hands on his hips.
"Well....looks like Jake has found a new snuggly best friend!!" She said smiling and settling into his lap even more. Jake just sat there smiling, I could see that he enjoyed watching Jess 'fight' for her place on his lap.
"Fine then!! Lewi, how do ya fancy being my new snuggly best friend?" Josh said turning to me.
"I'd love to!!" I said laughing. He sat on my lap sideways like a little baby so I put my arms around him like he was one. We all laughed and I pressed play on the remote.
***After the movie***
The credits came on the screen and I won't lie, we were all in tears. Josh was still on my lap since he couldn't be bothered to get up. I mean, me and Josh teared up a little bit but Jess and Jake were properly crying. I can understand why Jess was crying but Jake, he's just a big pussy!!
Josh left and I went to bed, leaving the two 'best friends' alone.
***Jake's POV***
"Well then, I better get to bed!" Jess said, wiping away a tear.
"Ok then." I said as she got up. "You can sleep in my bed." I said getting up.
"But Jake, it's your bed, I can't just steal it from you!" She said, holding my hands.
"Oh well, I'll sleep in Charley's room again since he still isn't home."
"Why don't you come and sleep in your bed with me?" She said, still holding my hands. I decided to be honest with her.
"I don't really trust myself in the same bed as you." I said quietly.
"Oh." She said, letting go of my hands. There was slight awkward silence.
"Well, night then!" She said giving me a hug and kissing me on the cheek.
"Night, sweet dreams!" I said, kissing her on the cheek.
"You too!" She said before disappearing into my room. I went into Charley's room and got into bed. Ffs, I wish I had taken her offer to sleep in my room with her.

💙💚💛💜 Authors Note 💙💚💛💜
I loved writing this chapter!! It's so cute!! I was just imagining if this actually happened and ugh, the feels!! 😍 Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and follow!! Thanks guys!! Ily!! 😘

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