The Tour (1)

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***Jake's POV***
Ffs, I wish I had taken her offer to sleep in my bed with her.
***The Next Day***
I woke up to the sound of Jess' alarm. I checked my phone. 6:40am. Ugh, so early but I didn't care because I love her so much.
"Sorry, you can go back to sleep if you want." I heard the sweetest voice whisper whilst I was getting out of bed.
"No, it's fine. I'll get Lewi up so he can get ready to drive you to school." I said following her into my room to get some clothes out. I picked out my clothes whilst Jess got out her school uniform. She was about to walk out of the room to get changed somewhere else when I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close to me.
"You can get changed in here if you want." I whispered in her ear.
"Ok." She giggled and pulled herself away from me. I smiled at her before walking out of the room and shutting the door. I went to wake Lewi up and then got dressed.
***Lewi's POV***
I woke up to the sound of giggling. I checked my phone. Shit!! It was 8:30!! I had to get Jess to school by 8:45!! I jumped up and ran out of my room. I ran downstairs and saw Jess and Jake sitting on the sofa talking and giggling.
"'C'mon guys!!! We have to get a move on!!" I grabbed my car keys and went out to my car. Jess and Jake slowly followed. I got in the car and they both sat in the back.
"Ummm...Lewi...." I heard Jake say whilst him and Jess were laughing.
"'re kinda still in just your boxers!" They both burst out laughing.
"Well then, Jess will have something to show off at school won't she!" I said smirking.
"Ummm...why would I want to show off a retard that drove me to school in his boxers?"
"You cheeky little bugger, I didn't have to drive you to school you know!! I guess now I can see why you and numnuts back there are a perfect match for each other!!" As soon as I said that I realised how awkward I had just made things, you know, since they are 'just friends'. The rest of the car journey was an awkward silence. As soon as we got to Jess' school Jake got out with her and gave her a hug.
***Jess' POV***
As soon as I got out of Lewi's car Jake pulled me into a tight hug.
"Don't miss me too much!" I said laughing.
"I'll try not to!" He said. We stood there hugging for a little while until I heard the bell go.
"You'd better go." Jake said, reluctantly letting me go from his tight hug. "Have a nice day!!" He said as I turned to walk away.
"I will!! Bye!!" I said, walking to where my best friends Bob and Charlotte were (my other best friend Annie is slightly older and has left school already)
***Jake's POV***
I watched Jess walk into school and then got back into the car. I already missed her.
***After School***
Lewi went to pick Jess up and of course, I went with him. The bell hadn't gone yet so I got out of the car and stood outside the school waiting for Jess to come out. The bell went and loads of teenagers came flooding out of the doors. I somehow managed to spot Jess amongst them all but she hadn't noticed me, she had her back turned because she was talking to Bob and someone else. I ran towards her and gave her a massive hug from behind.
"God I've missed you!!" I whispered into here ear.
"I haven't been gone for that long!" She laughed and turned round to hug me back. I love it whenever she hugs me back.
"C'mon!" I said grabbing her hand, "Charley and Danny have come home and we have someone for you to meet!"
"Ok Jake! Calm down! Bye guys!" She said waving to her friends. I squeezed her hand tightly as we walked back to the car. When we got in I sighed really loudly.
"What's up?" She said sweetly.
"It's just that I really missed being around you today and we're going on tour soon and you won't be able to come and I don't know if I'll be able to cope without you with me!" I said as I felt a tear fall down my cheek.
"Aaw, you've only known me for a couple of days!" She said laughing and wiping away my tear.
"A couple of days is enough to fall in love." I didn't realise what I was saying, which caused another awkward, quiet car journey.
***Jess' POV***
When we got back home I opened the front door and was greeted by Danny, he was holding a tennis ball in his hand which I thought was kinda strange, Jake pushed in front of me and said "C'mon!! There's someone in here waiting to meet you!!" He grabbed my hand and led me into the living room where I was greeted by the most adorable little staffy!!
"Meet Rix!! He's our puppy!!" Charley said, he was sitting on the floor surrounded by dog toys. Jake sat down on the floor and started fussing over Rix. He was the most adorable little puppy I had ever seen! He had beautiful brindle fur and dark brown puppy eyes. Lewi and Danny sat on the floor and started to play with him so I thought I should as well. I sat down next to Jake and the little bundle of joy came running towards me (Rix not Jake) I picked up one of the rope toys and Rix grabbed the other end of it, I pulled on it gently since he was still only a little puppy and I let him win by letting go of the rope toy. He was pulling so hard on it that he went flying backwards onto Lewis's lap and omfg, you should have seen Lewi playing with him!! I mean, I knew Lewi loved dogs but actually seeing him playing with a little puppy was possibly one of the most adorable things I have ever seen in my entire life!! Whilst Lewi and Rix were having a play fight, a beautiful young woman walked in. I soon realised that it was Jenny, Danny's girlfriend. She sat down next to Danny. "Hey!! You must be Jess!! Nice to meet you!!" She said with a massive smile on her face. "Nice to meet you too!!" Jake turned to me. "Jenny is gonna live here with you and Rix whilst we're away on tour." He said putting his arm around me.
We all spoke and played with Rix until Charley decided to order some takeaway. I got up and went into Jake's room to get changed out of my school uniform. When I came back out I saw Jenny on Danny's lap and Rix on Lewis's lap and Jake sat with a space next to him. I sat down next to him and Charley walked back in.
"They said it will be ready in half an hour and since I ordered it, bagsy not going to get it!" He said lumping down on the the other sofa.
"Well, I can't drive!!" Jake said, almost as if he was proud of it.
"We'll I did the school run today!!" Lewi said laughing.
"Well, it looks like I better go then!" Danny moaned. We all laughed.
***After Tea***
"Well, I've already packed all my stuff for the tour so I'm gonna get to bed!" Danny said getting up, he kissed Jenny and said goodnight to her, they make a really cute couple!
"Yeh, I've packed my stuff as well so I'm gonna go and watch tv in ma room, night guys!" Charley said shutting his bedroom door behind him. (His bedroom was the closest, his and Jake's bedrooms were downstairs, Danny's and Lewi's were upstairs)
"Umm...I think we're short of two beds..." I said, since each room only had one single bed in.
"No we're not!" Jenny said, getting off of the sofa and pulling it out making a sofa bed. "I'll sleep here!" She said, making herself comfortable.
"You can sleep in my room again." Jake said holding out his hand to help me off of the sofa.
"Aaw, thanks again!" I said, grabbing his hand.
"Looks like you're in the spare bedroom then Jake!!" Jenny said laughing.
"Ugh, really?! I don't even know if you and Danny changed the sheets since you were in there last!"
"Oi!!" She said, slapping the back of his leg when he walked past. Jake had told me that the spare bedroom was the only bedroom with a double bed in it and it was the room for if one of them brought a girl back to the house. (If ya know what I mean) I said night to Jake and Jenny before going into Jake's room and stealing his bed from him again.
***The Next Day***
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Ugh. I hate school. I got up and started to get dressed until the door started to open and Jake walked in...
"JAKE!! IM GETTING DRESSED!!" I tried to cover myself up.
"SORRY!!" He flopped face down on the bed and I finished getting dressed.
"Safe..." I giggled and sat on the side of the bed and he sat up.
"I just came in to tell you that you're not going to school today!! Me and the boys are leaving today so you and Jenny are gonna come and say bye!!" He chucked some clothes in his suitcase. "That should do..."
"No it won't!!" I picked out some more clothes and folded them up and put them in his suitcase neatly "That's better!!"
"Why have you put pants in there? The ones I'm wearing now would've lasted me!!"
"Jake, that's disgusting." I giggled. I helped him get some more stuff packed and we all got in the cars. I was in the back of one car with Jake and Charley and Lewi were in the front and Danny and Jenny were in another car.
***Jakes POV***
I liked sitting in the back of that little car with Jess. We were really close together. I saw her hand on her lap and I just wanted to reach out and grab it but I couldn't. It would be kinda weird because we're still just friends. And if I'm honest, it's killing me. I hate being just friends. I love her. God I fucking love her.
"Jake?" Her beautiful voice interrupted my thoughts. "Are you ok?"
"Yeh, I was just thinking..."
"About what?"
" much I'm gonna miss you..." I felt a tear roll down my cheek and she held my hand.
"I'm gonna miss you too Jake" She smiled and wiped my tears.
When we got out of the car at the airport, I pulled Jess into a tight hug. I couldn't help myself.
***Jess' POV***
Aaw, I love Jake hugs. They're not just any old hug, it's a Jake hug. It makes me feel special. I got his suitcase out of the car and have it to him.
"Don't have too much fun without me!!" I tried to smile and hide the fact that I was upset that he was leaving.
"I won't" he smile and pulled me in for another hug. He had his chin on my shoulder when he said three words. Three words that I couldn't forget...
"I love you"

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