Life Without Twitter

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Wow. Without twitter my life would be completely different. I'd probably have a social life for one. Haha! I wouldn't have as many friends as I have. (Wow, that's sad.) I wouldn't know the Spanish language (I don't even know that much but I know a lot more than I would've done without twitter.) I wouldn't have anyone to fangirl with. I wouldn't be able to go out with friends or family and just sit in the corner on twitter ignoring everyone... not that I do that... I wouldn't even know what fangirling is! I wouldn't have started to write my fanfics without twitter, because twitter was actually how I found out about wattpad and fanfics. without twitter I wouldn't know Evie or Courtney. Now that's a sad thought. Those weirdos make me laugh so much. They're always backing me up during arguments! (Rude af. ;)) without my twitter account I wouldn't be able to stalk Clara and the cast and I'm pretty sure my camera roll would basically be empty because that's where most of my pictures come from!

I'd hate life without twitter. I don't even want to think about it. If I'm sad I just log on twitter and see what's happening. If I'm happy I go on and fangirl about why I'm happy. My life is on twitter!

Okay, anymore questions? I think I'm all out of questions now! Currently watching Up so I'd like to sit and answer a few questions aha!

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