Christmas decorations

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To my left, there is a snowman that lights up and moves! Next to that is a smaller snowman that basically does nothing... Then next to the TV is Santa on his sledge holding a mini Christmas tree in one hand and a sack full I presents in the other. Behind me is the tree, all decorated in red and gold decorations (and decorations I made years ago at school!!!) On the fireplace is a kind of Christmassy candle stand thing that only comes out at Christmas. Then there's my favourite, Santa sat on the edge of the bookshelf with a saxophone. We have Christmas cards on the door too.

We don't bother decorating outside because we live on an avenue/estate type place where nobody comes, so nobody sees them! There's like one house on the avenue that has lights up outside! However, I've always wanted those light up reindeers to stand outside on the little patch of grass we have:3 gosh I wish we decorated the outside!

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