Fave colour

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Yay! So I got two questions about my favourite colour and I'm gonna blend them into one question.

My favourite colour is green. It wasn't always green, it used to be purple (which is why most of my room is purple, however, in the new year I am moving house and I plan to change to green!)

I love green, it reminds me of my nan, that was her favourite colour. A lot of her house was green and I she had this green dragon fly that hung up in her house. It's still there, my grandad kept it. I love it and now have one of my own.

I own a green and white polka dot iPad case, a green lava lamp, dark green jeans (they're hardly green but I'll put that in there anyway!), my make up basket thingy is green and I can't think of anymore! But when I get my room I plan on having lots more green stuff! I can't wait to redecorate!

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