In the DEAD of the night

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(Sexual Content in the story, you will be warned before that starts.)

Takashi, Kohta, and I were upstairs while the girls were taking a bath downstairs. We could hear them giggling from up here and it kind of made me wonder what they were doing but if I checked I would be a perv, so, let's not do that. Didn't stop my mind from thinking about things that can happen with 4 girls in a bath. I snapped out of it and helped Kohta try to open the gun case.

Takashi: Sounds like they're having fun.

Kohta: You wanna go have a peek.

[Y/N]: Hell no, I'm not a pervert and I would be slaughtered by the other girls.

Kohta: But we're supposed to.

Takashi: I'm with [Y/N] on this one, I don't wanna die just yet. And speaking of [Y/N] and the girls, how are you and Takagi?

I looked down at the ground.

Kohta: Wait, you and Takagi are a thing?

[Y/N]: We never were because I did something stupid. I think she's only talking to me because we have to work together to survive and she knows that. But the moment we don't have to worry about survival she'll just stop caring.

Takashi: I'm sorry, man.

[Y/N]: Let's just get this thing open.

Takashi: I'm gonna be real pissed of if there's nothing in there.

Kohta: There has to be. We found the ammunition, so, there has to be something in here.

Takashi: Oh well, doesn't matter, let's do this.

Takashi helped grip the crowbar as we pushed to get it open, falling straight through. I rub my head.

[Y/N]: That could've been done smar-

I was about to say "smarter" when I saw the guns in the case.

[Y/N]: Damn, Kohta, look at those guns.

Kohta got a sadistic grin and laughed maniacally as he looked at the guns

Kohta: I just knew it!

Takashi: So, she lives here with a friend of hers, isn't that right?

[Y/N]: Well, we know that she's military, so, this makes sense.

Kohta took one of the guns and cocked it.

Kohta: Springfield M-1A1 Super Match. It's semi-automatic but M-14 series full automatic is nothing but a waste of bullets anyway

[Y/N]: Ain't that the truth.

Takashi: Uh, guys, chill out.

Kohta: I can put 20 Bullets in the magazine. That's illegal in Japan. Illegal!

He laughed like a maniac again and grabbed another gun.

Kohta: Nice SR-25. No, you can't get that in Japan, so, they just completely modified an AR-110. What's left in the locker is a crossbow.

[Y/N]: I call the crossbow.

Kohta: It's a descendant of the one Robin Hood used. Barnet Wildcat C-5, made in Britain. You cam even kill a bear with it!

Takashi took out a gun.

Kohta: That's an EM-37 Riot Shotgun! It's a super sick shotgun made by Americans! It played a big part in the Vietnam War too!

Takashi: I see.

Takashi aimed it at us.

[Y/N]: Woah, Takashi! Never aim a gun at someone! Aiming a gun at someone means you have to shoot.

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