Mind Your Business

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(A/n I figure we should hear from the only sane young couple in this book without further ado)

Luca's POV

Too much shit has happened within the time Kiana has come back. I got a beautiful niece and nephew, I got my sister back, and my baby got her best friend back. I still think about what happened that night. I had never seen her like that and if I'm honest it broke my heart. There's no way we're letting her die. Renee's downstairs with Killiana watching ' The little Mermaid'. Roman is hanging out with me and Ace today and we're going to the mall to get him iced up. After I shower I throw on a white t-shirt with black pants. I feel like sagging today so that's what I'll do, I throw on my black jacket and make sure I put all my rings on my wedding ring never comes off. Nae would kill me if I did. I walk downstairs and my outfit immediately catches Renee's attention.

"Go change." She whines.

She always does this shit.

"Why mamas?" I pout.

"Please?" She asks.

"I thought I looked fine." I say.

"You do. You look sexy and real daddyish which is why I need you to take this off." She says tugging at my jacket.

" She says tugging at my jacket

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"Let him look like a thug sis." Killian says to her. Motherfucker popped up out of nowhere. Swear I live in a house full of ninjas. Silent but, deadly as fuck.

"Yeah babe let me do my thug thizzle." I say laughing.

"Where's our little soldier man?" I ask Kiana.

"Right here zio." He says. "Hey papa."

"Hey baby boy. Ready to get some ice?" Ace asks him.

"I want all diamons to way tons." He says in his broken english.

"Hey is Ki ready to work on the bikes?" Bryson asks Renee. This fucker also popping out of nowhere. He been getting really close with sis. Better back his little ass off. I look over and see little bro stiffen up. He doesn't like the idea of Bryson trying to move in on his woman but, he doubts she'll ever go for him. I just hope he's right. They have been spending a lot of time together in the garage working on these motorcycles that Ki found in an abandoned warehouse.

"Yeah. Nae you ok with watching babygirl for me?" Kiana asks coming out of nowhere also. Geez ya'll damn.

"Yeah girl go ahead." My woman replies.

"Ah where the hell have you been neonata?" Bryson asks swinging her around in a hug.

I face my brother. If looks could kill Bryson would be dead like yesterday. I guess Kiana felt Killian's glare because she quickly untangled herself from Bryson and put some distance between them and Killian smirks. See this is why I'm caught up on tea. Even though Kiana is out telling Bryson how much she and Killian aren't getting back together. I have a feeling that she knows nobody can have her heart like my little brother does. I can't take this tense atmospheric shit.

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