You're Wrong

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Pairing: Naito/FC

"You're wrong and I'll prove it."


The sound of a resounding smack and a loud curse of "Asshole!" rang through the air making you smirk and shake your head ruefully. You grabbed your little green notebook and made another tally mark and notation of the incident on the sheet. Already seven and it wasn't even noon you chuckled to yourself. You had been working with Tetsuya Naito and his brothers of Los Ignorables de Japon for about two months now, essentially acting as a glorified gopher. Sometimes you felt like you were herding cats trying to keep these guys in line, not counting the actual stuffed cat that was vital to the wellbeing of Hiromu Takahashi. During that time, you had been fascinated by Tetsuya. The sheer number of women that flocked to him was amazing. But what had really caught your attention was the fact that, despite him being a complete and total asshole, women still jumped to be with him. And he seemed to be teaching his ways to his fellow LIJ members, judging by their attitudes towards the fairer sex.

A few days ago, you were battling with Tetsuya yet again to get his ass moving and for once in his life arrive somewhere on time. You had no idea when you had agreed to take this task on that Naito truly lived up to his "tranquilo" phrase. He acted like everything he had to do was a major inconvenience to him. About the only things he showed any passion for were wrestling and fucking.

Already at the end of your rope after having spent the morning arguing with Evil over his refusal to answer or even return your phone calls; you had snapped at Tetsuya and called him an asshole. A word that seemed to be directed at him with alarming regularity. He had simply gotten a filthy smile and looked at her in a way he really hadn't before, eyeing you as if he was imagining you stripped bare.

"You know when most women call me an asshole they end up fucking me pretty quickly after." He had said laughing as you had shrieked, flipped him the middle finger and stormed out of his room.

After you had ranted to yourself for a while you calmed down a bit and realized you had to learn to go with the flow unless you wanted to pull your hair out at the roots. So, you had set about doing just that, making yourself find the humor in situations rather than getting angry. It had worked well so far, and you had found yourself chuckling every time Naito had been called an asshole. This had awoken your curiosity and you wondered, just how many times a day did he get called an asshole? It seemed to happen with such frequency you hadn't been able to keep up. Thus, you decided to entertain yourself by keeping a tally. You bought a little notebook with an attached pen and religiously wrote down every time someone called him one, as well as the surrounding incident. Some were more detailed then others, depending whether you witnessed it first hand or just overheard it. Paying such close attention also brought about the disgusting realization that Naito was in fact correct in proclaiming that women tended to fall in bed with him after calling him an asshole. At this point you were honestly shocked his dick hadn't fallen off. There was no way a human being could possibly fuck that much. And fuck well apparently based on the tittering and smiles on his conquests' faces when he was finished with them.

Throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening you continued tallying instances of Naito earning his moniker all the while continuing to direct the boys where they needed to be and trying to corral the headstrong leader. The night was almost coming to a close, you are waiting in the LIJ locker room with Seiya and Evil as Bushi, Naito and Hiromu were participating in a triple tag match. You were busy tabulating the day's total in your notebook and not paying any mind to Seiya and Evil.

"What's in that little book of yours?" Seiya Sanada suddenly asked reaching around and grabbing your notebook before you could react.

"Give that to me!" You demanded rising to your feet and attempting to snatch your book back from him. Which was proving impossible given the fact that he towered over you by several inches. If he saw what you were doing, you could probably kiss your job goodbye. You were pretty sure that mocking your boss was grounds for termination.

Your heart sank as Seiya opened the book his eyes widening as he read your entry. "Oh, this is gold!" he announced loudly.

"What does it say?" Evil asked moving closer to the unfolding drama.

"How many times has Tetsuya Naito been called an Asshole Today?" Seiya read chuckling. Evil's gaze darted to you before he too began laughing. "That's not all, she describes the incident in detail as well."

"I'm sure Tetsuya will be just thrilled to learn about this." Evil said.

"Tetsuya will be thrilled to learn about what?" the man himself said, having just waltzed into the locker room, Hiromu and Bushi trailing behind him. Your head hung as you braced yourself to be immediately terminated.

"Y/N here has been keeping a record of how many times you have been called and asshole today." Seiya said, casting a smirk in your direction as he noticed your discomfort. He held the book out to Naito who took it and flipped through the pages outlining the incidents, reading through them with an impassive expression.

"Your numbers are wrong." He said, turning his stare on you.

"No, they're not." You protested. If you were going to get fired for this, you were at least going to defend your work. "That is completely accurate. You were called an asshole twelve times today." You said firmly.

"You're wrong and I'll prove it." Naito countered.

"No, you won't because I'm not wrong." You proclaimed. You had been meticulous in writing down the instances and were positive in your calculations.

"You seem awfully sure of yourself," Naito said, a calculating expression settling on his face. "Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak?"

"What do you mean?" You asked narrowing your eyes at his self-satisfied expression.

"If I cannot prove your tally is wrong I will let this slide. I will not fire you and I will become a model client. I won't give you any more shit." He promised. You smiled at his words. You would get to keep your job and Naito would behave himself? You were all for that. A twinge of doubt stopped you from accepting right away.

"And if I am proven incorrect?" You asked needing to see what you faced should you be wrong.

"If I prove you wrong.... you blow me." He said, shouts of encouragement breaking out from his brothers.

Your breath hitched as an image on you on your knees with Naito's cock in your mouth. You would admit it wasn't an entirely unpleasant thought. "Can I look at my book one more time?" You asked. Tetsuya gladly handed over the book, that same confident expression on his face as you read through your notes. Your confidence returned as you easily recalled each of the instances, nothing sticking out as being missing as you thought of the day.

"Okay, I accept. Prove me wrong." You challenged.

"You have twelve times written down. There should be sixteen." He said simply, putting his hand up to stop you as you shook your head and prepared to rebut.

"You are very accurate. You are correct in ever incident you wrote down." He praised. "But you missed a couple."

"What did I miss?" You asked sarcastically.

"You didn't write down the times you called me an asshole." He proclaimed, a shit eating grin breaking on his face as he watched the dawning realization blooming on your face. He was correct, you had called him an asshole at least four times today, but you hadn't put your own interactions in the book.

Naito insisted on collecting his prize immediately, the rest of LIJ filtering out of the room when Naito granted your request of privacy. It was as he was coming down your throat, watching you swallow down his load that Naito announced that you were fired. Pulling off him and rising to your feet you sputtered, unable to form an intelligent response. Only one word coming to mind.

"Asshole!" You shouted storming out of the locker room.

"That's seventeen!" he called after you, his laughter echoing down the hall after you.

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