The Great Outdoors

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Pairing: Naito/FC

Category: Suggestive 

"Stop hogging all the blankets!"


It was bad enough that you had been forced to go along on this godforsaken trip. Bad enough that you were stuck for three days in the wilderness with the ungovernable ones, Los Ignorables de Japon. All five of who were complete pains in your ass. No, apparently that wasn't enough to torture you. Instead your tent had been "mysteriously," left behind, as had the bag continuing your sleeping bag and air mattress leaving with you nowhere to sleep. Of course you had four volunteers offering to share their tent with you. The only person who might be grumpier than you about this camping trip was Sanada. He was adamant he was not made for sleeping in the dirty outdoors. And he damn sure wasn't sharing his luxury tent with anyone.

So of course you had gotten stuck bunking with Tetsuya fucking Naito, the biggest pain in your ass of them all. You had stayed out by the campfire long after the others had retired to their tents fully intending on waiting until Tetsuya was fast asleep before joining him. Less chance of him trying any of his funny business. You had lost count of the number of times he had tried to charm you into his bed. You refused to admit how many times you had almost let him. The bastard seemed to know it too. Somehow, despite the fact you hadn't told a single soul, he knew you wanted him. It was like he could sense it, always looking at you with that damn smirk of his. Finally deeming it safe, you doused the fire, making sure all the burning embers were out before entering the tent.

A sigh of relief left you as you saw Tetsuya asleep on his half of the air mattress and you quickly stripped and got into your pajamas before turning out the little lamp and climbing into bed. It was then that you realized Tetsuya was firmly wrapped up in all the available blankets. You gave a couple of tugs on the edges before giving up and curling in on yourself as the crisp night air started to seep into your skin. Once you started shivering you gave up, getting on your knees and leaning over Tetsuya to dislodge the blankets from under him.

You gave a sharp tug, freeing the blankets, but also making yourself fall over and sprawl on top of Tetsuya in an undignified heap. Face burning you were grateful it was almost black inside the tent, freeing you from further embarrassment as you found yourself staring into Tetsuya's face, that damnable smirk plastered on his face.

"Y/N, I think I've already made it clear that I want to fuck you. You don't have to molest me in my sleep." He said moving his arms to wrap them around your waist as you wiggled on top of him.

"I wasn't molesting you," You protested vehemently. "I was cold."

"Oh, you want to share some body heat?" He asked suggestively, still not loosening his hold on you. "I know how to heat you up. I'll make you feel so good." You shivered, this time not from the cold, his words bringing an unmistakable ache between your thighs. You gasped when his lips grazed the column of your neck, eyes shutting for a second at the feather lite touch, before you remembered exactly where you were.

"Just...just stop hogging all the blankets, that's all I want from you." You told him, rather unconvincingly. Tetsuya placed a trail of kisses along your jawline to the corner of your lip, making you almost whimper.

"You sure about that?" He asked moving his hands to your hips and gripping them firmly. "Cause your heart is beating awfully fast on my chest, and I bet if my hand went between your legs, I would find you wet for me." You gasped as his hand grabbed a handful of your ass, giving it a firm squeeze and then a slap that made an involuntary moan escape you. "C'mon beautiful, stop denying what we both want. All you have to do is say yes." Tetsuya moved his head lining his lips up with yours, teasing you with his closeness.

"Yes," You whispered, throwing caution to the wind. You knew there was no way this was going to end favorably for you, you knew the stories, but in that moment you couldn't deny what you had wanted for months.  

Naito One Shot CollectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora