
48 4 0

Pairing: Naito/FC

Category: Smut

Word Count: 1034

Warnings: Public sexual behaviors, language, handjob

"Do you even listen to other people when they talk?"


Was he? I squinted at Naito, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt before losing my cool. Yes he was. He was sleeping.

Are you fucking kidding me? I fumed to myself as I nonchalantly rose from the table and started to make my way across the banquet room towards Naito. I kept my pace slow so as not to draw attention to me as I skirted around the tables to slide in the chair next to Naito as the current speaker continued his speech.

Reaching under the table I grabbed Naito's thigh and gave it a sharp pinch, keeping the grin off my face as he startled awake, his thigh banging into the top of the table and shaking it making the people around us glance over curiously. I politely smiled and kept my eyes on the stage though I could feel Naito glaring daggers into the side of my head.

"What'd you do that for?" He hissed straightening up in his chair.

"You were sleeping." I said simply. "Do you know how rude that is?"

"He's not saying anything I haven't heard a thousand times. Blah, blah, blah." Naito said scornfully. "They're forcing me to be here. They can't make me pay attention."

I took a deep breath, reminding myself not to stoop to Naito's level and to present a calm front in the face of his apathy. Honestly I wanted to grab him by the ear and drag him from the room like the petulant child he was resembling.

I became engrossed in the speech, focusing entirely on the front of the room. It was only after the applause died down that I looked at Naito again, having to resist the urge to smack him upside the head when I saw him staring at his phone in his lap.

"Put that away." I hissed. "Do you even know how rude it is to be on your phone at a dinner table? Do you not have any manners at all?" I continued berating him on his lack of manners and couth only pausing to take a breath at which point I realized Naito hadn't heard a word I said.

Again I reached under the table and pinched him.

"Do you even listen to other people when they talk?" I snapped, pinching him again only to get my hand caught in his fingers.

"If you're hand goes under that table again it better be to rub my dick," Naito said seriously before releasing me.

"Do you always have to be such an asshole?" I spat recoiling my hand and rubbing the tender area he had grabbed.

Naito rolled his eyes and returned his attention to his phone ignoring my annoyed huffing as my eyes flickered around the room making sure none of my bosses noticed me failing in my duties to keep Naito in line. A fruitless endeavor if ever there was one.

The rest of the evening passed in like fashion, as one benefactor after another made their speeches and I had to hound Naito to at least pretend to pay attention, growing more frustrated by the moment and about to scream as I looked over and once again found him with his chin on his chest and eyes closed.

Forgetting his warning I reached under the table about to pinch him again when my hand was caught for the second time. My eyes flew to Naito's face to see him glaring at me once again, his grip tightening as I tried to free my wrist.

"What did I tell you about your hand and this table?" He asked bringing his earlier words to the forefront of my mind making me turn bright red as I felt like a spider trapped in a web as Naito stared at me. I don't know why I allowed him to drag my hand to his cock, or why I kept it there when he brought his hand back to the table.

"Do it." Naito said simply. I sat frozen for what felt like an eternity, feeling his cock growing harder against my palm. I wasn't exactly sure what compelled me to follow his instructions, but as soon as I could make myself move my hand was rubbing his cock through his pants, squeezing and rubbing the length as best I could through the material.

Naito's arm reached around my shoulders and drew me closer, his breath hot on my face as he leaned down to my ear.

"Take out my dick and give me a proper hand job." He told me. Biting my lip I looked nervously around the room, grateful no one seemed to be paying any attention to our little table off to the side. Before I could talk myself out of it I unzipped his pants and pulled him free, the hot flesh searing my palm as I encircled it with my fist. I focused my attention on the stage once again, though this time I wasn't nearly as captive an audience, cognizantly aware of my hand stroking Naito's cock and the feel of his silky flesh in my hand. The thought of what I was doing was exciting me, the panties between my thighs quickly growing damp, my legs squeezing together seeking friction that wasn't there.

I picked up the speed of my strokes as I heard Naito's breath catch, chancing a glance at him to see his eyes blown with lust, lips slightly parted as he tried to keep his cool.

"Catch it," He muttered as I felt his cock jerk in my hand making me hurriedly close my fist around his tip, feeling his cum squirt between my fingers as he coated my palm.

Grabbing his cloth napkin Naito brought it to his lap wiping the tip of his cock clean before handing it to me to wipe his remnants off my fist.

"For the record, that's how you make me pay attention." Naito said with smirk before turning dutifully towards the stage and giving the guest of honor his upmost attention. 

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