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[Here we go]

Grey hovered over the plains of Goiky where the contestants stayed, green grass fluttering in the gentle breeze on this rainy morning in the fields. Some where already up and going, talking and chatting with their usual energy, others where still asleep, in trees or under the swirling dark sky. No sun would rise this morning as the cloud cover was too thick, and continuing to thicken and darken.
The air was damp, thick with droplets of water from the Goiky canal. Mist would soon begin to settle into the fields too.
Eraser walked, under him the drops of water on the grass gently sparkled in what little light they had. He was heading up to Gelatin's Steak house, to go sit and well.. do whatever. Perhaps wait for Pen or something.
To relax.
He had talked to his pals the other day about having a meet up and catching up again, so in the long run they had decided to meet up in the same place as last time. The steak house. Now that he really thought about it, it didn't really rain in Goiky all that much. With a sigh he let out a heavy sigh into the cool air, it had began to drizzle. "Eh, maybe a break from the sun is fine."
As he reached the top of the small hill upon where the building sat all day and all night, a sharp chill crept into his limbs. It was cool... but not cold enough to make him feel like that. He turned around, looking to the grayish fields below, more objects where awake now. He turned to the sky, wind blowing at him more, he watched... it looked as if it where spinning.
He raised an eye brow before shrugging it off and deciding that maybe inside was better.

The inside was rather warm, cozy, well it was technically a restaurant of sorts wasn't it? Anyways, Gelatin was nowhere to be seen, he muttered to himself "He's probably still asleep.", as he pulled a chair out and sat in it with little care. It was padded at the bottom, rather comfy. A few bars of wood in the back gave it back support.

The chill crept back into his limbs.. He turned to face the window, greeted with a reflection of himself and past that the swirling sky.
Something was clearly wrong.
The same feeling he always felt towards a pentagon crept up slowly... He stood up so fast the chair he had been sitting in fell back, shattering one the bars of wood on the back. He couldn't care though as he rushed outside, rays of green and teal burst the clouds. Moments of peace from the wind before suddenly multiable needle-like structures fell through the clouds breaking them with spinning winds that blew many off their feet.
The deafening nothingness was enough to make one forget they could hear at all before the thundering sounds of wind and impacts rushed over everyone...
and he ran, he ran with everything he had.
For Pen.

Down the in field, many began to panic, swarms of alien creatures rushed out of those.. things, needle-like, structures that had buried their massive almost spider-like supports into the ground.
Utter Chaos.
The pentagons began to blast, swarm objects and capture them.. if they didn't die. Nets made from even more pentagons and cages made from steel and too many pentagons...
Every one was running, getting hurt, trying to hide..
being blasted.
Limbs and parts just gone in an instant.

TennisBall and GolfBall where making a get away.. The two making good ground, they'd be in the wooded area soon, and from there they could escape to Yoyle city. "GB do you have any info on these things from space!?", the poor fuzzy spehere sounded rather terrified, their voice wavered and was low.

THWAP- Before she knew it GB was hurrdled to the ground, pain shocking through her legs with force, she turned to see TB.
Pentagons had ambushed them from the side. She watched in curiosity as the pentagons swarmed the confused scared object, before curiosity turned to complete fear as something burning was pushed into the fuzz of her well beloved friend.. or more. The sharp screams of TB She heard as she picked herself up not wanting to see more and ran disappearing into the bushes and trees..

On the other side of the field Blocky had scooped up Grassy and was making a mad dash for it, also tryng to get to the forested area. "Grassy is scared-!" Blocky looked down soft protective haze in his eyes before he looked back up, "I know. I know- We're almost there-" He nearly tripped, causing the smaller object to hold tighter onto them, and he held back.

The two felt hopeful as they neared the clustered trees and thick bushes. Maybe they'd make it out of here and find help.. find someone who can stop these.. things..
"AAH-" The two went down, a lazer blasted a hole through the corner of Blocky's wood, leaving his natural oak color exposed and dark gashes and charred parts through his wood.. The small object he held screamed with terror and it broke his heart.
Pieces of himself flung about the grass.. He held the smaller object in his arms closely.. protecting him as the pentagons began to cover them in nets.. hot nets that burned them and where heavy. He could feel the scorching and the smell of the burnt wood and paint... He would not let the screaming object be harmed..
THWAP- a hit harshly against the burning net.. "SHUT IT- SHUT THE WhiniNG AND SCREAMING-" a few distorted voices echoed..
Grassy merely curled up and shurnk in the Block's grip as they started to get dragged in the burning net..

In another part, Four and X where still standing.. struggling. "Four when will this end! I'm scared-!" Four only responded with a heavy grunt. It seemed no matter how many Four zapped, screeched, or turned into a pile of messy scribbles, there was a never ending supply of these aliens.
X wasn't much help on the back side, the best they could do was wrestle off and throw the creatures hundreds of yards. The two kept fighting off, back to back, front to the enemy.
X felt limbs grab them from the sides, then pull them to the ground with a harsh thud... "AHH-AAA FOUR-" They pushed themselves up into the air floating back down. Four gave him a glance before they jumped up too, grabbing X midair.. They tried to get away with a fling of their own bodies at high speeds, but the aliens made a chain of themsleves, interlocking like a bad puzzle..
They had the legs of the two in a lock now allowing them to escape as they hoped. Four zapped at them, still holding the top of X with the other hand. "GET OFF US!" he screeched at the aliens, knocking down quite a few though they started to learn quickly. Many covering their hearing with two spare hands and using the three remaining ones to create chains and more. He zapped again, those who made chains where immobile and died in the dazzling light, while the others scattered at the sight of the blue digit's fingers doing a wave...
Four had enough.. they felt the power surging through them.. X simply braced themselves...
And then screeching.. so loud it melted past any barrier, causing the world around them to turn into polygons for split seconds..
And the aliens fell..
Four landed, a wave of air was sucked in.. silence so harsh you'd think you where deaf followed..


A wave of air appearing around the two as they suddenly disapeared, leaveing a dent in the ground and causing gravity to seemingly to shift for a second as some ground was sucked inro the air by such power..

Chaos all behind them..
the world fading behind every one..
the memories..
the sound of nature filling..

Dreams made of memories filled all those who sleep now.

Invasion Of The PentagonsWhere stories live. Discover now