[New Home]

103 6 2

[Oh yeah, a chill slower chapter.]

Warm rays of light rushed onto the field of purple grass, the sky had finally changed to the ever familiar hue of yellow that inhabited Yoyle's sky, It was darker though due to being rather late. How long had it been since the two set off together on their journey to Yoyle city? Since Bubble had saved Erased from certain death? Honestly Eraser had no idea anymore, his sense of time was fading due to the dark sky's that had been overhead since he awoke that morning. 
Two days.. maybe three or four, but that did not matter at this current second as the two finally made it, having entered the outskirts of the city. 

Though... it felt different somehow as buildings had fallen and some had been raided of their materials and internal belongings. Shops where empty at the front and wood pieces gone from walls. Bubble took a sharp turn, causing him to jump.. why was she going into an alleyway? He stopped for a moment to ponder before he followed her..
The two took a variety of turns and twists before they arrived to a place lit with candles, old lights, anything that was there... Inside the walls and newly built roofs, objects he recognized where bustling.. Talking, crying, building, cooking, doing whatever they needed to survive. Some where metal, just like Bubble was.

In the distance he saw Saw, Pencil..  A few others...
 the boy was too busy to notice that Eraser was here, someone who hated him.. or...?

As the two got closer, he noticed that Rocky was there too... He stopped to watch the boy grab the bush and feel about it.. eventually feeling a yoyle berry and plucking it off and putting it in the yoyle berry filled basket on their arm. Eraser was about to turn and go find Bubble again before the wood object turned around, a look of sadness and shock twisted onto Erasers face looking at the two he knew as "annoying".
A rope was loosely tied onto Woody's arm, and Rocky holding the other end with their mouth... Long charred and burned lines covered both of the poor wooden objects eyes.  
He watched as the smaller rock object he used to see as annoying started to move, gingerly guiding them across the side walk and roads to where ever they may of been going..

He turned around, Bubble having turned around and was awaiting him to follow. "Oi yeah.. poor Wooidy- biot anyoine aloive is weoicome." She gave a signal, "Loits go." Eraser followed her once more, still lacking behind somewhat as they where guided to a building. "Where are we going?" He looked up, "Yoi get toi stoi with moi!" Bubble threw her hands up with excitement.

The two continued until they came to a smaller building, Bubble opened the door, inviting Eraser inside. "Fanny!! Oim hoimmee~!" The girl sang in a gentle tune as she shut the door behind the two.
Eraser looked around with slight curiosity, the room was super cozy. Warm candle lights flickered everywhere and hung up blankets covered the cracks on the walls and also kept the warmth inside as compared to the wintery feeling air outside.
In the corner an old bed, and on that old bed was some sort of nest of pillows and blankets.. another object in the middle of all that.. "I hate this.." they grunted.. Eraser recognized Fanny's voice.. it sounded a little softer than he was used to hearing.
Bubble shoved past him, clearly more concerned for the others well being than his. "Hey-! Ag." He slowly crept over to the two, peering into the nest.

Of course, he immediately backed off and soon as Bubble tried to swipe a hit on him. "Back. Oiff." She sounded much more stern, aggressive, than she ever was.
He had saw Fanny, she looked worse than the time Snowball had broke her. Her blades and body where separated, her blue body dented with silver scratches in her body. Her wire.. it was exposed once again but this time it was broken, barely holding on by a thread. Her right leg was gone completley.
He did remember that Bubble and Fanny where quite close before this, and clearly they'd only grown closer as he watched Bubble tend to her beaten friend.
"Joist go to sleep-"
Fanny tried to protest, "But I hat-"
"Fanny ploise! Rest..", Bubble grabbed a blanket, tucking in the other gently,
"ggh.. fine.."
In which Bubble gave a sigh and gave a kiss to Fanny's head.
Eraser turned away, what the fuck- Did friends do that!?
No, they couldn't be at that stage of lesbians yet- especially with what the hell was going on in the world as of now!
..Or maybe that where.

Eraser jumped when Bubble touched his shoulder and he nearly whacked her from surprise- "Ah joiese!! Oi coime to say, yoi can sleep thiore." she pointed to a rather puffy sleeping bag on the hardwood floor.
"Uh.. Thanks." He grunted, "I guess we should go to sleep, its late." He commented, heading over to the sleeping bag and sliding in qith a hard thump.
Bubble crawled into the old bed beside the already resting Fanny.


"Agh.." Eraser felt his body.. it was heavy. Very... heavy... he simply did not wish to get up but the harsh cold air swept in for a moment as two clicks where heard. This was enough to bring him back to the waking world fully.
He sat up, rubbed his eyes... until his hand felt the hole in his body.
For a moment they panicked, jumping up and spinning around a little.. "aaH oh MY EYE IS G-" He faced a mirror.. "...Right... right.. I'm here now."
He took a second to look at himself... grabbing the cloth on him, he began to reposition it to completely hide the hole in his rubber, "aha, lookin' good!"
He finger gunned his reflection, a bright smile on his face. He looked closer, was that a dark patch under his eye?

Eh... It didn't matter now, he felt rather happy and relaxed for the first time in days and he planned to have it last.
He turned, his eye caught the lump of pillows and blankets in the corner again.
Eraser made his way over with soft and careful steps, not wanting to wake up the sleeping object and severely anger Bubble.. who seemed...
much more aggressive... protective...
He glanced into the pile.. and of course, there the wounded Fanny lay, all snuggled and tucked in.
"..hmph." He whipped around and headed for the door, again trying to be quite as he didn't want an upset, aggressive object after him.

Eraser looked back for a minute, before he swung the door closed behind him exiting to explore the small village of sorts that had been made in the wintery feeling air.

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