[Old Enemies New Friends]

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[yes yes yes]

chirp... crriicket.. criicket..
"ghhhh.." Eraser found himself staring to a dim purple sky.. Rays of golden light speed over him and in the grass..
"Oh.. shit.. right." He layed there... Staring at the sky above him.
Tree's surrounded him, like tall objects looking down upon him.. he closed his one eye, feeling the ripped rubber hole where his other used to be...

"AAAH- GGGH-!" He felt himself fall, face first, his face burning like hell itself. Time dissolving into nothingness and ringing.
Oh the ringing.
He pushed himself up in time to see his friend, "PEN- NO NO NO-"
Blue turned the grass, ink everywhere.. Blurs and blobs of greens, yellows, and light blues swarming violent as if storms and crashing waves.
The top of Pen.. it was just gone, torn off..
his cap was being inspected by the alien creatures, with much curiosity as the screaming object's plastic was melted in areas with heat.. Pen was reaching out..
Screams echoed..
He whipped his body around and ran.. he felt fear.. and he ran. Screams..
Screams and ringing.
White noise-

He snapped back to reality, tears running like a single waterfall..
God why was he so stupid!? He could of saved Pen! He could of.. He should of been faster.
Dim throbbing where his other eye should of been caused him to grunt in pain.. He let out a low growl and sat himself up. Where was he going? He felt like he had no idea... He felt lost, even if he was going to Yoyle City in hopes of regrouping with those who had managed to get away.

Even if it was just one other.. anyone. 
Anyone to keep him company- hell, he would even take Woody or Rocky as a travel companion he felt so utterly lonely.
...Was the object even alive? 
With a heavy sigh he pushed himself to his feet, a dead vine was wrapped around his left leg in an attempt to let all his scrapes from travel heal up.
Once more, he began to walk. Trudging on through the wooded area, despite the mud on the bottom of his rounded feet he kept walking.
Despite the soreness and pain, he kept walking.
He would continue.. Continue for himself.

..He continued to walk.. getting lost in his own thoughts as rays of sun hit his face, playing peekaboo as they appeared and then disappeared behind the trunks of the trees. It seemed like time itself had stopped... He felt himself start to run, the world around him falling away as he felt chased. 
He ran, "Faster- Faster, you have to be faster-!" He felt the dead vine slip off, stinging erupted from his scrapes in the open air, but he kept going, taking a look to the sky, in the far far distance he could see the tall pole that sat at the top of Yoyle mountain. 
That was his destination, that is where he wanted to go. He wanted to get there so badly, so badly he hoped he wasn't alone.
That others had made it as well.
Some time passed, he was still going.. he was so lost in his mind that he didn't see the cliff ahead of him and he tried to stop, but the mud on his feet cause him to slip, and he nearly went over as he grasped the edge with a scream. He gasped, pain running through his arms, a million and one thoughts ran about..

"Is this really how its going to end? 

I came all this way for nothing?

I can't even save the one person I actually care about.

I should of payed attention. I should of spent more time- I should of-

Before the racing thoughts could finish, the ground gave way as pain shot through him once more.. He screamed again.. the feeling of nothing under him made his nonexistent stomach sink with fear...
He felt something grab him by the wrist..
A hand had darted out quickly and suddenly someone was them pulling up.. they felt incredibly strong. The hand was made of metal, it was chilling.. what if it was a pentagon?
No.. they would of let him fall if it was a pentagon right?
"Ah ah! Oih goidness! Hoild onnn- Oi goitcha." ["Ah Ah! Oh goodness! Hold onnn- I gotcha."]
Who was that? Bubble? He recognized the unique voice... Bubble was alive. Once the two where up and standing, they moved away from the cliff...
He studied the girl, their body had turned into "Metal Ball" again. He looked at them more, she sported a teal and green bandanna with some designs was tied around her head, she held a bat that was splintered at the end creating sharp edges, and scratches and a few deep wounds and cuts where engraved into her now metal body.

He huffed, grunting like he usually would with people he didn't really like. "So, why did you save me?" he looked up, the sky was a little lighter, "oI-" Bubble looked at them, "Oiven if woi aren't gooid froinds, oI coildn't let soimeone doie woith all thoits going oin. " ["I- ...Even if we aren't good friends, I couldn't let someone die with all that's going on."] Eraser barely understood a word, but he made due.. "I.." he grunted again, he didn't know how to say how glad he was to see a familiar face in these lonely isolating days...
Bubble turned and studied them, she reached out and felt where the rubber on Eraser had been torn and burned off. Eraser grunted in pain and disapproval, slapping her hand away angrily. "oich! oh okoi.. hmm.." ["Ouch! Oh okay..hmm.."] She took off the small bag she had on, and set it down to go through it. "What are you doing?" Eraser came up, looking at them.. "Oim gonna.. joist.." she pulled out another cloth, a plain black one and she grabbed Eraser, tying the cloth around his head to hide the damage.
"AH! LET GO OF ME-" "Oim joist trying toi help-" "AH BUBBLE-" "Loit me doi this-" ..He tried to pull away, though the girl was strong.. "LET GO!" "Oim almoist there.." "AGH-" "Thoire!" Bubble let go, putting her hands up and a 'im sorry' face on as she sweat a little watching the other stumble back in fear holding their face. She picked up her bad, smile on her face. "Hoiw aboiut we get to Yoiyle City?" She picked up her bat and began to walk again.. Eraser looked on, "Hye wait up!" His voice was gruff, but he ran after them..
She looked at him, thoughts about those already safe in the streets and buildings of Yoyle city, both saddened by what she knew and happy that she'd be returning rather successful.

The two walked along.. heading to the line in the sky, they would be safe there.

Invasion Of The PentagonsWhere stories live. Discover now