[Running Story]

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He walked.. and walked...
A gentle wind make the walk even better. The pavement and colorful buildings that towered over him seemed to never end, Yoyle City truely was a massive mystery.
Who lived here before?
Why havn't the buildings collapsed for the most part?

Where did every one go?

As he lost himself in though, the towering buildings and pavement finally broke off into grass and planes, the mountain and space needle looming in the distance.

He kept walking, he looked ahead, it wss like the grass was a purple sea as the wind made it wave like the ocean..
beyond that ocean was the HPRC... and what he assumed was the ever abandoned Freesmart Super van.

He thought for a second, " I sure hope this works..." He walked over to the HPRC, looking he saw that it was had grown rusty and more due to the weather and was more tilted due to sinking into the ground and, now hard, glue.
He pressed a button- P-
He stumbled back as the cracked screen flashed with many lines of color before going blank again. E- this time nothing happened.
A frown grew on his face as he realizesld that it wouldn't work.
Wheres a alien god or an alien speaker box when you need one?

Eraser saw a pond nearby, quickly he walked to it, stopping to take a peek at his reflection.
Yep... that part of his body was still missing...


"What- was that-"
He backed away as bubbles rose to the top... then it hit him as he remembered a film night where they had watched all of BFDI, BFDIA, and IDFB...

The pond where Freesmart had to saw pencil in half so they could continue their journey to the top all those years ago...

Except if that monster got him now he would die forever or until they where able to recover him.
He stepped away before he turned around sharply and hightailed it out of there back to the city, not even thinking to check the van.

He ran, only ran. Why was he running so much?
It was like some invisible force was driving him to run away.
He sped up- what was he running away from- WHY?
Keep going.
The colors flashing as he turned a corner, and he leaned forwards-
He could see where he needed to go, auto pilot!

He just kept going until he turned another corner and eventually he felt himself in the dark and he didn't see the plank of wood on the floor and he tripped. He tumbled into a clearing in the home that was built up by the objects, he found himself upside down. He crashed into a pile of wood.
"WOAH! Whoa whoa!!" A familiar voice... Coiny? "Hey- Can you hear me? Are you alright?"
Coiny... He felt the limbs of another object help pull him out from under the pile and get him right up.
Eraser looked at Coiny his eye ached... and so did his arm, "Uh..? What was I doing?" Coiny looked at me, I looked at him. He wasn't really a coin anymore..? He was all scratched up, bent and was deformed. "Uh, lets take you to GB- she can check you for injuries!" Coiny took his hand, and lead him. He didn't protest.

They talked past a few people he'd already seen and a few others he hadn't seen before.
They kept walking, the ache in his arm was dull but constant.

Eventually the two came to an oak door, Coiny took a breath before he knocked. The two could hear the sound echo through the building... then footsteps of someone metal.
The door flung open, "Oh hello. What are you here for?"
Coiny looked at her, "Well uh- Eraser here was running from something and he crashed into a pile of wood." Eraser just nodded, that was basically what happened, "It was like some force  was there driving me to run away." Leafy studied them, "Huh, ok. GB doesn't feel so good as of now so I guess i'll check you out." Coiny smiled, "Thanks!" Eraser and Leafy watched as the deformed coin left. 

A spike of pain came in as a rush, and this time he really couldn't hide it. He winced and grunted, Leafy just looked at him a slight expression of worry. She took his good arm and lead him to a room filled with supplies and other stuff. "Uh, get on there." She pointed to a table, so Eraser climbed on...

This felt beyond awkward.

Eraser watched as Leafy grabbed something, "So uh, how'd you and the Bossy Bot form such a friendship?"  Leafy came over, "Well... Ok i'll tell you but you gotta hold still."
"Uh, alright then..."
Leafy grabbed his hurting arm and felt it a bit, he winced, "So it all started about a day or two after the attack-"

A non-metal Leafy was walking about the forest, she knew where she was going as she had been to yoyle city many times while in bassically exile. She hopped over a log and slid down a small hillside... "I wonder where everyone has gone-" She thought for a second, "-They must of spread out all over the place, huh..." 
She was in an area where smaller ravines lay right outside of the main place of Evil canyon, it was littered with holes, sharp rocks, and other stuff. Though, she knew the area very well.

She spent a load of time here, despite how dangerous it was, it was honestly a beautiful area.
She sometimes wished she didn't compete in the show... she'd love to build a hous-

"ahhh- mmm- h-help-!"

WHAT. Who was that? She listened more... She barely recognized the cry... actually... she didn't recognize it all. Who was that crying? 
She walked slowly, approaching with the utmost care. Careful not to make too much sound as the crying only continued... getting louder and louder with each step...

Eraser winced, "Ow ow ow! Hey careful its too tight!", and Leafy gasped, "Oh crap I'm sorry-
Uh anyways.. ahem."

The grass soon changed to a mixture of rocks and bushes that sprouted from the cracks in the rocks.. She looked over a bush, and there down at the bottom of a decline in terrain lay a crying GB.

Leafy's eyes widened, "No wonder I didn't recognize the cry..." for she had never heard GB, of all objects, cry before.
Never ever.
Not once in her memory bank could be remember a sound such as this one.
Leafy sighed before she found herself carefully sliding down the rocks...
Once at the bottom, she reached into her 'pocket dimenion' and pulled out a single wrap.

All objects have a pocket dimension, it was how they kept things on them.

She carefully rolled the ball over, grimacing she let out a "Uagh!" She felt the entirety of a large open crack that split through the objects right eye and right side of their face.
This only made GB scream for the leaf to stop and cry harder.
Leafy listened to the incomprehensible words of the object, "Hey GB- Calm down! Stop moving so I can put the wraps on-", she set the object up right, "-look at me. Look at me- hold on.." GB was still in pain but her crying had died down almost completely.
Leafy thought, 'GB sounds horrible.' She started to wrap the cracks up, quickly finishing.
GB looked down, "This-" she ckosed her good eye,"-Hurts..."
"I know."

...The two sat for a minute...

"Do you know here you where heading?"

"Yoyle City..."

Leafy picked the object from the ground, "I guess that's where we are going. Don't suppose you're in the condition to walk-  unless you are-?"
"My head hurts-"
"Ill take that as a no."

"So that's when I and GB set off for this place." She had finished his arm, "Woah-!" Eraser looked at his arm, "Uh thank you for this."
"Eh, its not really a problem- Just don't get hurt randomly anymore! Its not like we have infinite supplies."
Eraser rubbed the back of his rubber body in embarrassment with his good arm,
"haha.. yeah ill try-"

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