[Lets go exploring]

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[Slower pace perhaps.]

With the home of Bubble and fanny behind him now, he finally felt rather free. He let out the biggest yawn ever as he out stretched his arms behind him.
"Good eraser shavings that felt so good."
With a quick peek around he saw other objects, going on about their day.


Everything really felt off, objects he once knew or saw from a distance where acting so differently as compared to before this whole mess started.

Hell, it was enough to bring that bratty, loud mouthed, never shutting up Pencil to a dull saddened silence...

He looked at her, there she stood... motionless, staring into the yellow sky like some sort of photo.
A dulled out ghost who had died some horrid death long, long ago. A shattered cry escaped her for a few seconds before she shut up again..

He found himself muttering to himself as he examined her from afar...

"Where's Match..?"

he looked... Her arm... most of her arm was gone too, she also looked more.. natrually wooden, as her yellow paint was peeled off mostly and her lead was dulled... she never let it get dull.
He wondered what happened to her, but he really decided that wasn't such a good question to ask.

Looking around he continued on, the streets littered with collected stuff from buildings outside the main area. Objects where picking from yoyle bushes and more...
they where even trying to garden other plants.
He passed by a place under renovation near a wall that had been cleaely built.
He watched as Saw climbed a lader and hammered nails into the wooden boards. He felt inclined to ask what she was doing so he strolled over, "Hey! What are ya' doin' up there?", he watched as Saw jumped a little, not expecting them.
"A-ahh! Oh! Oh hi there- Uhh im haMmering these boards into the walls to uh.. help conceal the cracks in the walls!"
He noted that she sounded tired, deader than usual. "Uh, Good luck?"

He moved on as quick as he had stopped.

Two voices caught his attention eventually as he walked around, observing other objects like Robot Flower and Lollipop from afar, all of which had some sort of injury or newly formed, most likely temporary, disability. Such as missing arms, eyes, cracks, and more.

He turned, only to see GB's face having been cracked open, an eye patch on her left eye.
Leafy... she.. was yoyle metal. The stern and hateful face having returned to as if she where back in BFDIA or IDFB again though... Leafy barely looked harmed with only a single bandage on her hand.
He watched as the girls conversed.. GB handed Leafy a map to look at which clear path's marked out. The metal object studied it before nodding and handing it back to GB, who stuffed it into a weird unseen pocket dimension all objects seemed to have.

"Huh... I guess she's on our si-" Eraser went silent, watching as GB collapsed, holding her body between her legs. Leafy had quickly scooped her up, trying to relax GB's legs as she seemingly glided to wherever.

He'd seen how agile Leafy was, but now she was just as agile with her metal form?
That scared him.

She could wipe them all out with ease but no.. she hadn't- and she was caring for GB of all objects!


He walked and walked, Bracelety was here but she seemed sad, earlier he had saw Lollipop who was telling stories to help liven the mood and it was weird.. it was so damn out of character for her of all people. Though.. she did have tight wraps on her head, it seemed like her candy had cracked and she was trying to keep her head from falling apart.

Pin was cooking food over an open fire, it seemed like the girl would of liked it better if the ovens worked, but she made due.
He passed by, pin had a knife in her hands and was cutting stuff up. Though, she gave him a friendly smile and wave. "Hey would you mind coming and giving this a taste test?" She set the knife on a towel, "I need to know if its edible or not!" Eraser looked at the food, it looked wonderful and had a few green leaves on the top.

He gave an eyebrow... well his only one.

She looked at him for a second, "Oh these!" she picked up a small container labeled 'Italian seasoning', "I found this in one of the old buildings haha. Its not like I'd poison you on purpose!" She smiled again, "Oh yeah I guess so. I mean we are in a deadly situation as of the current moment.. so I hope no one is tryin' to kill me!" He laughed out, she laughed too, "Yeah- so are you gonna try it or-?"
Before she could really properly finish, Eraser took a piece and ate it, his face lighting up with pure delight. "Oh my rubber! This is beyond amazing!" he went to take a second but Pin slapped his hand. "Hey! Save for the others. You'll get more when its time."
The sudden sternness really caught him off guard, but she started to smile again. He walked off, giving a little wave... and she gave a small wave back.

Honestly... she seemed out of it, seemingly just more tired though. Honestly, everyone here was including himself. It was stressful, the pentagons.. they where going to kill all them one way or another.. hunted or worse.

He looked about, walls stood and objects walked. He lost himself in thought until he tripped over something that sent him face planting into the ground, a surge of physical pain and memories flooding his mind and body... but he didn't scream.

He thought about Pen... Blocky... little Grassy. Oh god they where probably dead... they where probably dead and there was nothing he could do about it... except get up off the concrete and continue on.
He looked at what he tripped over.. a.. music box?

Huh.. a box..

A handle...

a box with a cranking handle.

... wasn't the HPRC here?
Stuck in the glue still?
He stood up, pocketing the music box, and quickly he rushed off to go find the HPRC.

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