Chapter 9: Hospital Wing

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The next morning Draco was woken up by his bladder. He slowly tried to get up without Hermione waking up and quietly and quickly ran to the bathroom, hoping he would make it back before she had a bad dream. He was mid-pee when he heard Hermione begin to cry. He groaned to himself and finished peeing before rushing back out to her. He picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the room. She stirred in his arms. "It's ok, baby. We're going to make it better," He whispered. He carried her down to see Madame Pomfrey.

No one was awake yet so the corridors were empty. He walked into the hospital wing and called out for Madame Pomfrey. "What happened?!" She asked when she saw Hermione in Draco's arms.

"She's been having violently bad dreams, Madame Pomfrey, unless I'm sleeping next to her, but if I get up for as little as 30 seconds she gets them again," Draco spoke worryingly.

"Put her on the bed, Mr. Malfoy," She directed. He did as he was told and put Hermione on the bed. He stayed by her side and held her tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Mr. Malfoy, I must ask you to leave so I can run some tests," Madame Pomfrey spoke.

"But I really can't. She'll get a bad dream," Draco protested.

"Mr. Malfoy, please," She said sternly. He sighed and reluctantly got up and walked to the end of the bed, where Madame Pomfrey stood. "I assure you. Ms. Granger will be fine."

"But she isn't fine," Draco spoke. "She's-" he got cut off when Hermione started crying again,

"NO! NO STOP IT! RON GET AWAY FROM THEM!" Hermione screamed, tears streaming down her face. Madame Pomfrey was shocked to the core. "STOP IT! LET GO OF ME! AHHHH! NO STOP IT! AHHHHH!" Draco rushed to Hermiones side.

"Hermione, it's me Draco. You're safe, ok? Everyone is safe. It's just a dream," He cooed.

"They're dead," She cried softly, still asleep. "My parents. He killed them. Ron killed them."

"No, Hermione, your parents are alive. It's just a bad dream," He whispered. She stopped crying and seemed to go back to a dreamless sleep. Draco sighed as his eyes welled up. "I told you," He said looking up at Madame Pomfreys shocked face with tears rolling down his cheeks, "she's not fine." She didn't respond and quickly began to scramble around. She sent an owl and grabbed a few potions.

"I've owled Professor McGonagall, she should be here any minute and she will decide on what's best to do," Madame Pomfrey spoke. Draco nodded and hugged Hermione tightly. They waited patiently for Professor McGonagall and after about 15 minutes she showed up.

"What is the emergency, Poppy?" She asked. Madame Pomfrey gestured over to where Draco and Hermione were.

"I've never seen anything like it, Minerva," She said.

"Like what?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Please stand, Mr. Malfoy," Madame Pomfrey spoke.

"But-" Draco started but she cut him off again.

"Mr. Malfoy." He sighed and got up. He bit his nails as he walked to where the Professors stood. Not a moment later, Hermione started to cry and scream.

"NOOO!! AHHHHH!! STOP IT!" Hermione screamed. Draco rushed back over to her and quickly soothed her to stop her dream.

"What do you think is best, Minerva? This is very serious," Madame Pomfrey said.

"Yes, indeed," Professor McGonagall agreed. "Do some tests, see what you can do. If nothing, schedule an appointment at St. Mungo's. Mr. Malfoy is excused from his classes for the day but for now, we will need to talk to Ms. Granger on why this is happening, so Mr. Malfoy if you would please wake her."

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