School crush 3

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Didn't know I was going to be making a part 3 to this, but apparently I am, so.. Enjoy❤.

Colby's POV

I loved Sam, and I knew he loved me, but I didn't ask him if he wanted to be my boyfriend yet, and he didn't ask me, so that's what I was going to do.

Oh, by the way, I changed friend group, now my friends are: Sam,(obviously), Jake, Corey, Elton, Tara, Katrina, Devin, Mike, Kevin and Arya.

Sam invited all of us to a sleepover, and the ones that could make it were:
Me, Jake,Corey, Tara, Kat and Devin.


I packed up the things that I was going to be talking with me:
My phone, PJ's, flashlights, unhealthy snacks that our parents definitely don't want us to eat, and a few other things.


My mom dropped me off at Sam's house, even if I could of just walked there, but she insisted, and I didn't want to argue.

I walked up to the front door, waited a few seconds then knocked, I heard sounds come from the other side, then the doorknob twisted and I was face to face with Jake.

"Brothaaaaa!!!, your finally here!" He exclaimed full of energy, making me laugh.
"Hey, brooo!!" I said, still laughing.
"Come in!" He said, stepping aside so I could come in.

I stepped in, and he ran upstairs to Sam's room (ya we're having a party, in Sam's room, we stay sipping Bacardi, in Sam's room, touching all Sam's body, in Sam's room, you can tell everybody, in Sam's room, Sam's room, Sam's room. Ok, I'm sorry, I had to. I'll go on now.😂) I'm guessing, and I followed.

As soon as I entered the bedroom, I was greeted by 6 happy-looking people. Apparently I was the last one to arrive. Everyone smiled and waved, so I did the same in return.

Sam came up to me, giving me a warm hug, and kissing me passionately, as I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him back.

As you can see, it's like we were already a couple, but we actually didn't make it official yet.

We heard a few aww's from our friends, making us laugh.

"I literally can't get over how cute you guys are" Devin coed.


A while later, Sam's mom came back from work, and started cooking for all of us.

We decided that I was going to sleep in Sam's bed, with Sam, and everyone else on mattresses on the floor, but there were 3, so Jake and Tara on one, Kat and Devin on another one, and Corey on another one.


"Dinner's ready, come eat!!" Sam's mom yelled from downstairs, and everyone went running to the kitchen table, grabbing food and stuffing it in their mouths.

I sat on a chair and Sam sat on my lap, we just stayed like that, feeding each other, and kissing.
"Sam?" I asked him in a low voice.
"Hm?" He hummed.
"I want to ask you something later, is that okay?"
"Is it something bad?" He asked, worry covering his face.
"No, it's good, don't worry baby" I smiled, bringing a french fry up to his mouth, making him eat it, as his smile came back.


"Mom, Corey is on the floor eating pizza rolls, while Jake is dancing with ET again!" (Thank you Lazy_King_Potato 4 this part 😂) Sam yelled.
"Corey, please eat at the table, and Jake.. If you want to dance.. At least turn some music on, and don't do it with ET!" Sam's mom yelled back.

As you may have noticed, some things have gone out of hand. So I took my baby's hand and went in a quiet room.

He stared at me for a while, his eyes full of curiosity, waiting for me to talk.

"Sammy...?" I started.
"Yes?" He said, impatiently.
"I love you so much-"
"And I love you to" He cut me off.
"I know baby..." I laughed, "that's why I wanted to ask you if... You.. Maybe.."
"What, if I what?!" He cut me off again, more impatiently.
".. Wanted to be my boyfriend?" I said as fast as I could. Why was I so scared?, I already knew that he was going to say yes!
"Are you kidding me? Of course!!" He said jumping in my arms, hugging me tightly, as I did the same.

That's when we heard cheering and clapping from the other side of the door.
Apparently all our friends were listening to us the whole time.

I got up and opened the door, revealing all of our friends, that where smiling.


( Sorry if I keep doing time skips, but I'm kinda lazy )

It was time to sleep, and everyone cuddled with their partner, unswept Corey that didn't have one.

My arms were wrapped around Sam's waist, while his face was buried in my chest.

"I love you so much baby" I whispered in his ear, so no one would hear me.
"Love you to" He whispered back.


The end.

Hope u enjoyed, vote if u did. Comment a suggestion, or what ever u want.

I'm happy and proud 4 s&c's Meta life project, but I'm kinda sad that I'm broke, so I can't sign up 4 it. (Tʖ̯T)

Sorry I updated late again (◞‸◟ㆀ)

In case no one told you this today: you are special, important, beautiful, amazing, talented, the list goes on and on. If everyone tells you that you're not, tell me who it is and I will find them. 😤😡👊
(ง ͠° ͟ʖ #)ง

Ly bye👋 😘🌹

Words: 974

Follow me on Instagram? @iwuvsolby
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