Inspiration part 2

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I had Adam stay out of sight until he was needed while I spoke to the Phynsae who, according to records was not supposed to be in Auckland. I wanted Adam to stay with the helicopter, but he has decided that as well as my investigative assistant/pilot he is also my guard dog. Out of sight was the most I could get him to agree to. I mused over this while I waited for someone to answer the door. It wasn’t really a house, so much as a flat, identical to the one next to it; the whole structure was concrete block and painted white; the doors were all a honey coloured wood, some had little windows.

“Hello.” I looked at the woman who had opened the door. Her face was covered in tattoos. I must have looked stunned because she felt the need to reassure me.

“Oh, I’m sorry; I forget sometimes that I must look rather intimidating – I promise though, I don’t bite.” She smiled. I smiled warmly in return, I was shocked yes; but not intimidated. Even with a face load of tattoos, well, I don’t think she could be intimidating if she tried. I noted a fairly strong British accent.

“Sorry, I don’t often see women with such extensive tattooing.”

“No apologies necessary, come in.” I followed her inside, as she turned and I could see her in profile I realised she is in early pregnancy. The house was spartanly filled. Exactly enough furniture as was needed; and no decorations whatsoever.

“Have you just moved in?” I ask.

“Yes actually, we’ve been here about a month. But my husband has been so busy looking for work that he’s hardly had time to repaint.” I nodded, there wasn’t much else I could do.

“So, I see you’re expecting; that must be exciting. Is it your first?” I asked as she directed me to a chair at her kitchen table. She giggled.

“I didn’t know that people still said that.” I looked at her confused.

“What do you mean?”

“Expecting; I didn’t know people still used that particular term in reference to pregnancy.” She sobered slightly. “I’m surprised that you could tell.” I shrugged.

“Just lucky I guess.” The kettle in the kitchen had just boiled, and the woman gestured to it.

“Tea or coffee.”

“Coffee please.” I had yet to try coffee, now seemed like a good time.

“Sorry, why is it that you’re here again? Pregnancy hasn’t been doing amazing things for my memory.” The more she talked the more I picked up the subtle differences that marked her accent as Welsh, as opposed to British.

“Oh I’m just introducing myself to the neighbours.” She smiled warmly at me.

“You’re in the building?”

“Oh no, I’m in the house next door; but you’re the closest to the street. I figured that if I’m going to call on any of my neighbours for the proverbial cup of sugar it’ll be the ones directly either side.”

“Oh this is wonderful. We can be the new ones together.” She put down the tray of tea and biscuits so that she could clap. I smiled at her enthusiasm. I felt slightly bad for lying to her, if only because she was so lovely and cheerful.

“I was wondering, what prompted you to get your face tattooed?” I noticed the difference in the room immediately; she was trying not to let me see that the question had put her on edge.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just curious, it’s such an unusual tattoo, and on your face. I think it’s beautiful though.” She smiled tightly at me.

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