The Operation Op Continues

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Fitz seemed a little off when I got Samantha back on the table after lunch. I didn’t have time to ask him about it, I needed to adjust the poor baby’s DNA while it was still fresh in my mind. We had to sedate Samantha this time, if she moved even a little it could change the direction that the scanner was pointing – and that could end up with a particularly odd looking child.

Adam made a good assistant; he didn’t want to admit it, but he really was. Tobar was watching my every move, hoping that I wasn’t turning his child into a complete freak of nature. This thought made me smile indulgently at him. Fitz was hovering and making a point to not get in the way. He was concentrating hard on what he’s watching – I presume because we are speaking Phynsae, it’s faster than having to try and translate words that just... don’t. It also means that I am focusing on the job at hand instead of the language.

An hour and a half into the procedure, I was frowning – heavily. I just couldn’t reduce the ears, nor could I hide the green pigmentation. The rest of the baby’s skin was a healthy Human pink (or will be, when he’s finished), but I just can’t seem to do anything about the mottling! I tried for another fifteen minutes; but after that I just had to accept that I am going to have to be a midwife when Samantha’s labour begins. Now, on to the metabolism.

By the time Fitz was slipping past us into the kitchen to make dinner, I was just finishing up. I had managed to reduce the Nuercooeth, I couldn’t stop them completely – but they would stay off her face (mostly). Based on the size of the baby, and that she had been displaying Nuercooeth, I would say that she has been pregnant for around two years. But the rest of her pregnancy would (should) only be around six months. Phynsae pregnancies last seven and a half Human years. Hybrid pregnancies seem to depend on the second species somewhat for gestation time. I mull over these oddities as I finish up.

Adam and I move the still sedated Samantha to a bed that has been made up for her. Once she is settled, we dismantle the field surgery and pack it all down into crates. As soon as we have finished scrubbing out the dining room, I head into the kitchen and gather cutlery to set the table with. Adam moves the crates into the spare room with the others while I lay out the knives, forks, and condiments. We then set up a bed for Tobar in the spare room with Adam, so that he would be able to keep on Tobar. I would be sleeping on the sofa in the lounge with Samantha. We had just finished when Fitz called out that dinner was ready. I grabbed Adam’s arm and held him back, slightly.

“After dinner I need you to go and buy two cheap prepay cell phones. I’ll need them to keep in touch with Fitz and Samantha – and cell phones are the safest means of communication.” He nodded and went into the dining room to take his seat. When everyone had a plate of food (and a plate had been made and set aside for Samantha) Tobar spoke up.

“What is the plan of action tomorrow?” He asked. Everyone looked to me.

“Well, you will be heading home bright and early after breakfast.”

“Am I to be accompanied?” I shrug, while placing a forkful of steak and potato in my mouth to delay having to answer. Tobar is still looking at me expectantly when I swallow.

“I haven’t decided yet; though you probably should be. Adam and I can draw lots later.” I stuff another forkful into my mouth. This meal is quite delicious, simple but delicious.

After dinner Fitz asked if he could have a private word.

“Would you consider sending Adam back with Darren?” He asked shyly.

“Why?” I was curious, why would he want me to stay and send Adam in my place.

“Because I would like to spend some time with you before we all have to leave, and head in our own directions.” I smiled weakly at him.

“I don’t understand. I have ... hijacked your life and you want to spend more time with me?” Fitz chuckled.

“Of course.” I sat down in the nearest chair, I couldn’t have even said if it were comfortable or not.

“Why?” He looked at me intensely, I actually got the feeling that he was trying to read my mind. Fitz brushed his fingers through the rope of my hair, and he gently eased the elastic off – sending my hair flowing back over my shoulders like a dark gold cascading waterfall.

“Because you’re you.” I nodded my assent, still very confused as to why he would want to spend more time with the person who is (for the foreseeable future) ruining his life.

I left Fitz and headed to check on Samantha. My scanner indicated that the sedative had worn off and she is now sleeping. I smiled, Samantha will be well looked after with Fitz; he’s very compassionate and caring. I decided to stay here with Samantha for the rest of the evening; if they need me they will find me. Adam should be out finding cheap phones; Fitz will be cleaning up, Tobar is probably helping. I expect Tobar to put in an appearance shortly, before Adam comes back at any rate.

Almost as if my thoughts had made it so, Tobar walked through the door.

“How is she?” He asked quietly. I smile reassuringly.

“She’s just fine. The sedative has worn off, and she’s sleeping. Samantha will be her usual self when she wakes in the morning.” Tobar visibly relaxes, his relief evident.

“Thank you.” I just nod to his heartfelt gratitude. I can feel him watching me, it makes me uneasy. I bristle the longer he watches me.

“What?” I finally snapped.

“Fitz likes you.” That’s what his staring contest was about? I relax somewhat.

“I like Fitz.” Tobar chuckles, I bristle again.

“Do I amuse you?” I seethed.

“I suppose you do.” I growled lowly, Tobar wisely straightened and stopped laughing.

“It would appear that I’m doing this all wrong. My sincerest apologies Finder. I’ll admit, I didn’t have much success talking to Fitz either – he damn near bit my head off!” I looked up, curious.

“What were you trying to talk to Fitz about?”

“You.” I was immediately on edge again. I stared at Tobar until he decided it was a good idea to elaborate on his statement, after thirty, silent, seconds I gave up the staring contest.

“Would you care to explain what about me you were trying to discuss with Fitz.” I demanded, Tobar gulped.

“He wants to be with you.” I shrugged, unconcerned.

“He will be.” I watch Tobar’s shocked expression and wonder how what I have said caused it. “Until he and Samantha are ready to disappear; and Adam and I receive our next assignment.” I looked away, and began making up my bed; making clear that I was done with this discussion. Tobar made some spluttering noises, as if he wanted to say more; which would not be his best idea – though those seemed to be thin on the ground as it was. After a few incoherent moments, Tobar lumbered off, as long as he didn’t leave the confines of the house I didn’t really care where he went. He paused in the doorway.

“Don’t break his heart. He’s a good kid.” Tobar’s shadow receded on that enigmatic statement.

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