The Heart of a Human

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Adam returned with the cell phones, after handing them to me he went to check on Tobar. Neither of us would put it past him to disappear should the opportunity arise. Just because Tobar said that he would return in exchange for my help; well, knowing where he will be heading... as I said, neither of us would put it past him to take the slightest opportunity to escape.

While Adam was doing his rounds I wrote my report that would go with Adam and Tobar. I also wrote an apology for my absence, citing a mess we had made in acquiring Tobar which Adam was unqualified to correct. It sounded plausible, and I wondered why I was writing it – because Fitz had asked it of me. I sat up in my makeshift bed and finished up all of the necessary paperwork. I made up the circumstances of Tobar’s capture, and our subsequent arrest of him.

Reading over my reports I began to wonder if I shouldn’t start writing fiction and selling it on Earth for some pocket money – not that I should ever need pocket money here. But considering the fact to fiction ratio of my reports, it wasn’t an altogether bad idea.

Breakfast was a hurried affair of ration packs; Adam may have mentioned something about picking up a new crate of them on the way back. I merely nodded and checked over the paperwork and my reports. I had written up bullet points for Adam to base his own report on; and scripted Tobar’s statement. They each tidied up their reports/statements and affixed their service numbers and cell deposits. No one would question the authenticity of the documents, because of the cell deposits. It is possible that someone (like myself) may learn, or know, your service number – but cell deposits are utterly impossible to counterfeit, because the cells have to be alive when collected. Eventually it was time for Tobar to say goodbye to Samantha; Adam then fitted the brace and extender, making it look like he had not come quietly. I set the coordinates and transported them to where they needed to be. Adam will make our report to Sannuntir Saban, and hand Tobar over into her custody. The Sannuntir will undoubtedly be displeased, but not with me. Half of the point of my job is to return the targets early enough that after a bit of counselling they are happy to conform and do their duty to Phynsae society. Like all things related to actual people, it had to be accepted that there is always going to need to be a margin of error – even Phynsae aren’t cookie cut outs; though I can name at least two species that you could describe as cookie cut outs without too much difficulty, it wouldn’t exactly be inaccurate either. I shudder thinking how my brother took his assignment on one of those planets at the same time that I arrived on Earth. I feel a little odd contemplating the fate of my brother; I’ve hardly seen him in the last forty Earth years. And he chose a cookie cutter colony, it’s like he’s a total stranger – and I guess in some ways he is. I shake my head to clear it of my brother, whom I will almost certainly never see again.

I watch Tobar and Samantha’s final goodbyes. They both know it is the last time they will ever see each other, and yet based on their behaviour you would think that Tobar will be back in just a couple of weeks. Fitz is hanging around, keeping an eye on Samantha in case she needs anything. I don’t quite understand why it is that Fitz so resembles a lost puppy, he just does. Always checking up on you, making sure that you haven’t left, and always ready to do whatever he can do to fix anything that may have gone awry.

Finally, they are gone. I release a deep breath that it feels like I have been holding for weeks. Fitz does a round of tea and gingernuts, solicitously catering to Samantha’s and my every whim. I am tempted to scratch him behind the ears.

I notice that Samantha has decided to take a nap; and I yawn, suddenly realising how badly I had been sleeping in the last week, I sympathise with Samantha – but I really just can’t justify a nap. I get up and pace around the house, staying out of the lounge where Samantha is sleeping. I take our cups and the biscuit plate out to the kitchen to wash. In the kitchen Fitz looks at me like I have lost my mind.

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