The Operation Op - Tobar

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While the Finder was working over my beautiful Sammy, I noticed Fitz was watching her work with an avid fascination. When she told him that her mottling was orange, his face lit up like that was the most incredibly beautiful thing he could think of. Neither Fitz, nor Sammy, really know what we actually look like. I have told Sammy, but knowing and seeing are often two very different things. I often felt guilty during our marriage, knowing that something like this situation with the Finder was likely to happen eventually – I had hoped to be able to evade her and spend my life with Sammy, the most genuine woman that I have met on Earth in the seventy years I have been here. Poor Fitz following after the Finder like a little lost puppy.

I watch as he takes a plate of scrambled eggs, with bacon, on toast to the Finder as she works over a piece of equipment, which looks as though she built it, in a reasonable hurry, for Sammy. I notice that we are all having eggs and bacon on toast. When Fitz returns I whisk him away back to the kitchen; it seemed I was going to have to talk to the lad, Adam hadn’t bothered.

“Fitz, I noticed that you seem very fond of the Finder.”


“I beg your pardon?”

“Her name. Her name is Lillie.” I try to smile, but it feels rather forced; this is not going to plan.

“Fitz, you know that no matter how much you like her, or how beautiful she is, that you can’t be with her.” His expression darkens, and I wonder just exactly is going through his head.

“Believe it or not, I know that! But I can’t pretend that she’s not beautiful, or kind, and willing to put herself in the line of fire to do what’s right.” He hissed. Did I actually just hear this?

“She doesn’t actually look like that!” I say firmly, but trying to placate him at the same time.

“I know.”

“Do you? Do you really?” Fitz lifted his hands up and held a curled finger up next to his head on each side – almost like our ears. I had to give him credit, he knows more than I thought.

“I see. But you need to see; she can’t and won’t stay with you. She’s not going to risk her career to be with you.”

“She’s risking it to save your child!”

“The risk there is minimal – because the only people who know about the child are in your house right now.

“She’s doing what’s right, and never mind the consequences to herself!”

“I’m not going to disagree about her kindness; but she is first a soldier. If someone on Dutera Zelos found out about what she’s doing – well let’s just say that derethum would start to look real appealing before she even made it to her Saooerb—Nuerbeull. It is the Finder’s duty to find Phynsae like me, who ignore summons, or break the rules and have relationships with Humans. This is something that she believes in; or she wouldn’t be here.” I place my hand on Fitz’s arm.

“I’m not saying this to hurt you! You have been a wonderful friend to Sammy and I. I am trying to keep you from being hurt.” He pulled away from me, looking bitter.

“I’ll take good care of Samantha and the baby, until they go their own way.” He said tightly. The last words of courtesy I would hear from him. I nodded.

“Thank you.” I decided that it would be best to leave him be; if he is determined to pound his heart to dust against her rock; well, at least he knows what to expect now.

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