The Operation Op part 2

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Fitz made the call under my supervision; and the Teagues will be joining us shortly.

“Okay, Fitz, I want you to open the door when they get here. Adam I want you behind the door, so that when they are past the door you shut it and brace Tobar. I am going to stand with Fitz and we are going to pretend, briefly to be a loving couple; the theory is that Samantha will get all gushy and overexcited – as Human women do -  and want all the ‘details’ of how we got together over the website’s design.” I looked at them both, to see them nodding.

“Adam, you’ll have the second brace with you in case you need to brace Samantha as well.” I turn to Fitz.

“Fitz, are you going to be able to do this? I know that Darren is your friend.” Fitz took a deep breath, held it for a moment.

“You’re going to do this whether I help you or not. But, my helping will save Samantha and the baby, as well as, hopefully, reducing the likelihood of injuries to all parties. I can do this; I don’t like it. But if I were Darren, I would do anything to save my child, so – in theory – this should work.” He babbled a little, but with the set of his jaw... he is going to help – but I can tell he doesn’t like it.

Adam disappeared behind the door, or he would disappear when it opens. Fitz and I were sitting in view of the door. I had filled the kettle and set it to boil, all going well we would all have tea (or coffee) and discuss the situation like civilised people; though Tobar would remain in the brace until he was escorted to Dutera Zelos.

The knock came, I could hear all three of us take in a deep breath, hold it for a moment and then let it out again in a rush.

“Smile, Fitz.” Fitz screwed on the perfect smile. He stood, offered me his hand and we walked to the door. He opened the door.

“Darren! Samantha, you look beautiful today. Come on in.” He stepped back and wrapped an arm around my waist.

“Darren, you remember Lillie?” Samantha rushed forwards grinning.

“Lillie! Oh, I’m so glad you like him.” She said in a mock whisper while grasping my hands. I grin back.

“You should have warned me about how handsome he is!” I whisper back just as loudly; I was glad that in this instance I could tell the truth, Fitz really is very handsome.

“Would you like some tea, or coffee?” I offer as I lead Samantha into the lounge.

“Oh yes, tea would be lovely. Then you can tell me all the details.” Samantha giggled. I heard Tobar step inside enough shut the door; which Adam did with one foot while he attached the brace to Tobar’s lumbar spinal region.

“What...?” Tobar began, then he saw Adam.

“You!” I sat Samantha in an arm chair and directed Fitz to her side.

“Usboouyli, ni.” Tobar’s head turned to look at me in absolute shock.

“Adam,” I gestured to Adam as I spoke. “eth u Dellab, unt ^uth piem indllaid pi ni uth u nun-aff-uyl-uarck." I turned to Adam.

“Fferethck ^en.” I ordered. Adam began turning out Tobar’s pockets.

“Taeth thhei ckmau?” Tobar nodded, Samantha knows what he is, now what I am; and is wondering about Adam and Fitz.

I turn to look at Samantha, who is now looking at me with fear. I smile gently at her.

“You know who I am?” Samantha shuddered.

“The new Operator.”

“That is one of my jobs yes. I see that Darren has told you about that part, though like many Phynsae he probably doesn’t know that I am the Finder too.” Her eyes widen in abject terror. I smile gently at her again. Behind me Tobar bursts out.

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