The Slippery Slope

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“Ni heiut! Ffoosck ni naoo eth teri. U^i sun-b E adem ni iieth?”

“Sorry Lillie, I have no idea what you just mumbled. But, I do have coffee and panadol.” My eyes shot open, I had been speaking Phynsae, but the light made me slam them shut again. I groaned, and Fitz chuckled.

“Here drink the coffee, or would you rather have the panadol first?” I groaned again. He shoved a pair of small things into one of my hands, and helped me sit up.

“What do I do with these?”

“You swallow them, they’re the panadol; here I have water as well.” I did as he said and gulped down the water after the little hard things.

“Good job, now drink the coffee slowly – be careful it’s hot.” I hummed happily as I inhaled the coffee’s aroma. Fitz chuckled quietly beside me.

“Do you want some breakfast? I only have toast and a couple of kinds of muesli, but you’re welcome to cook yourself something if that doesn’t suit.” Still with my eyes closed, and between sips of coffee, I answered.

“Just toast; but I’ll come out.” I flip the covers off and put my feet on the ground, when I stood up though, I found that I was colder than I expected. I opened my eyes, and they didn’t burn like they did before. The first thing that I saw was Fitz grinning at me while holding out my clothes for me. I raised my eyebrow at him, but he continued to grin unrepentantly. I took the clothes, dressed and then followed him to the kitchen. I sat at the breakfast bar, and continued nursing my coffee.

“Coffee must surely belong to the gods.” I mumble.

“You’re not the first person to say that you know.” Fitz chuckled.

“Be quiet, coffee is kind to me.”

“Last night you were saying that I was nice.” I scowled at that, I remembered saying it too.

“This morning you’re mean. My head hurts.”

“It’ll feel better shortly, some food to go with your coffee followed by a big glass of water.” He said as he placed a plate with two pieces of toast in front of me.

“Thanks.” Of course after I had looked at it I would have taken my thanks back if I could.

“Why is my toast covered in tar? Are you trying to poison/murder me?” Fitz, bless his little black heart, was laughing at me.

“It’s not tar. It’s Marmite.” I looked at the black muck on my toast.

“It looks like tar.”

“It’s made from yeast.” I looked up surprised.

“Really?” I ask, a little enthused. The black hearted wee th^eb had the gall to look amused, and curious - tunm his eyes.

“Have you been living under a rock?”

“More like several solar systems over.” I muttered.

“Good to know. Eat, I promise that you’ll feel better and won’t be poisoned. Besides, if I poisoned you; how would I convince you to have dinner and drinks with me again?”

“You want to spend more time with me after my debacle last night?” The unrepentant grinner, grinned at me.Puthtuert.

“Yup, if for no other reason than you’re a fun drunk – and a cheap one.” Still grinning, I may have to relieve him of his ability to grin.

“I didn’t make too much of nuisance of myself did I?”

“Well, you did try to talk me into bed with you... because apparently the sofa ‘is for sitting’.” My face flamed, and that black hearted puthtuert just continued grinning.

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