Chapter 21: Jasmine V

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Chapter 21 Jasmine Warning of Danger

When you don't know what else to do. You pray. Bruce and Lisa were talking and were praying together. Charlie was meditating. Imhotep and Shawn were whispering to each other. The only person I could talk to was God. I knelt on the floor which was cold and hard on my knees. Closing my eyes, I started praying, looking for guidance. I still believed that we can survive this. I prayed for forgiveness from God for not being wise, for acting impulsively.

While my eyes were closed I felt myself drift. Images came to head. I seem to be in Egypt by a river. I could see the pyramids beyond the river, standing on a hill. It was one of the most beautiful scenes I've seen since being trapped.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice similar to mine came from the side, startling me. I turned to see a woman. She looked just like me. Average height, light caramel skin, small chest, wide hips. She was smiling and I could see she even had a gap in her top teeth. She wore a one strapped red dress Around her was a yellow energy with a frog head even helping around her own head.

"I take it you are the fallen angel possessing me. Heqet?" I asked. Anger started to creep into my voice, but I didn't want to start a fight if we were inside my own head or soul.

"In a manner of speaking." her voice was calm and nurturing. She stood and walked to the river bank. "I'm you. I'm your subconscious. Your soul personified. Your conscience."

"I'm tired of all of this." The anger spoke out of mouth. "Stop playing games with me and my friends."

"Friends? Are they your friends now?" Her question stung. The way we were acting, were we still friends? She continued. "You haven't been treating them like friends and you know it. I also know you don't' trust me, but you know I'm telling the truth."

I looked at her and felt something stirring. The wind circled around me. In the sky, the clouds played memories from my childhood and high school. I could see my dad and all of the lessons he taught me. I tried to make myself believe this was a trick. Somehow, I knew this was the truth.

"I know, I haven't been a good leader," I paused. "Or a good friend." I thought about the dinner we had and when Charlie called me a slave driver. He meant what he said that night. I thought it was just another of his sarcastic jokes. He was telling me what I was and I didn't even realize. The respect I thought I had, did it come from love or fear.

"And if you don't make it right with them. You will die. You know this."

"I already apologized," I said.

"Did you though. You admitted your wrong, but in the same breath, you told them they made a mistake. A mistake that you caused and you forced them to make a decision. They decided to act for their friend. For you. They do respect you, even now. If you are going to survive you must make it right. There is a way to make it right."

She started to fade and the image faded to black as I opened my eyes. I looked at everyone and took a deep breath. I did know what I had to do, but the question is will they accept it?

Genesis: Rough Draft Edition (Angel Protocol, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now