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Jungkook bite his lower lips in hesitation whether should he asked for it or not. He was afraid that Jimin might refused it but he really wanted it to happen. He glanced at Jimin for a second and fixed his eyes back on the road.

By waiting for the respond that he still didn't received, Jimin broke his gaze from his phone and looked up at Jungkook with blank face.

"What?" he asked.

Jungkook became flustered a little and quickly shook his head, "Nothing."

"Say it."

Jungkook sighed before biting his lips in nervous. "Uh.. actually, I have something to ask you but no, it's not a question."

"Then what?"

"It's um... Permission..."

"Okay, what is it?" Jimin asked unbothered.

Jungkook didn't replied to him and just focused on the park that he was going to stop the car in front of the building. He then slowly let his hands go from the steering and looked at Jimin with uneasy look of his both eyes which makes Jimin to feel a sudden bothered.

"What's wrong? Is it a serious matter?" Jimin asked, already paid his full attention on his boyfriend.

Jungkook turned around to look at Jiwon who had his eyes fixed on the iPad and turned to look at Jimin again before gestured the elder to have a talk at the outside.

Both of them were already standing at the side of Jiwon's door as to keep their eyes on the kid alone in the car. Jungkook became hesitated to say what was in his thoughts and Jimin didn't want to push him any further. He just waited for the boy to open up to him.

Jungkook chewed his lips and slowly looked up at Jimin with a little scared look on his face.

"Yah," Jimin moved closer and grabbed Jungkook's hand in his. "What's wrong baby? You're making me worried."

Jungkook smiled a little and shook his head, "Aniya, it's nothing serious. It's just..." Jungkook paused out of sudden as he literally saw the same exact guy who has been following them with all black outfits.

The guy was standing behind one of those cars behind Jimin and was looking at him like he was trying to threaten him to kill.

But Jungkook, like usual just acted like he didn't saw anything. He continued to look at Jimin's worried eyes but at the same time had his eyes to pick a glance towards surrounding. Just to make sure they're in a safety zone.


"Ah, yeah right. Actually, I-I'm going to ask you to come with me... to visit some place..."


"Are you gonna say yes or no?"

"Jungkook, depends."

"Uh... I'm scared to say this."

Jimin had it enough, "Baby, please? Can you get straight it to the point? I can't bear with it anymore."

"Okay. But promise that you won't be mad."

"Oh my goodness. Are you committed a sin or what—"

"I'm going to visit my parents today!" Jungkook muttered the requested in a speed as he was so scared and nervous to spit it out.

The said has making Jimin's eyes immediately darkened and his face had his expression closed up. He let go of Jungkook's hand and shook his head.

"Jungkook, no. We've talked about this before."

"Jimin... P-Please I—"

"It's a No baby. Don't do this." Jimin's voice became deeper and deeper as he was starting to get mad.

"Jimin how could you do this to me? I can't even meet them now?"

"You heard me."

"But Jimin, they're my parents—"

Jimin scoffed out of frustration. "Yeah right, parents. Parents who were proudly spitted the hurtful words fucking in front of their son. Parents who were already spitted a bullshit and didn't admit that they have a son before because of the boy had done a mistake that everyone had probably done it even worse."

"I don't care... Still they're my parents..." Jungkook's eyes became watery at the flashback.

"I know." Jimin stated coldly. "But he hurt you. So, did she. The man with his hand, and the woman by her words."

Jungkook remained silent as Jimin kept talking.

"I am not allowing you and don't ever ask for it ever again."

"Jimin..." Jungkook looked so sad and stressful. "I just... I want to bring Jiwon to meet his grandparents. Plus, they miss me."

Jimin looked to the side at his son in the car and sighed before eyed his boyfriend again. "What do you mean? How did you know that they miss you?"

"Yugyeom told me—" Jungkook stopped as he realized that he had accidentally spit the boy's name on a fool mistake. He quickly shook his head and tried to change the topic but he was already too late.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows into a deep confusion and stared at Jungkook with half anger.

"What? Who? Yug–Yugyeom? He told you?"

"Y-Yeah? What–.. Jimin I think you're already late—"

"I heard you Jungkook. Did you met him?" Jimin was already flared with rage.

"Jimin... I just met him and had a small talk—"

"So you fucking met him behind my back even though I already make things clear before. Do not meet those three people with your own."

"Do I have to listen to everything you said when it's clearly can be my own decision whether should I go or not to meet my family?!"

"So now what?! Yugyeom is your family?!"

"I'm not talking about him, parents! My parents! Fuck off I'll go by myself then!" Jungkook turned around to walk away to the driver seat but Jimin stopped him with sudden pleading voice.


He stopped himself abruptly from storming away and slowly turned around to look at the elder.

"I don't want you to go because... because I am afraid that they might hurt you again."

"I know, and that is why I asked you to come with me Jimin."

"I can't help everything. All I can do is, protect you from getting hit by them. But the pain, the pain that will threatened your healed scars in your heart again... I can't help you with that. I can prevent you from getting hit, but I can't protect you from getting hurt by words Jungkook."

Jungkook froze at the warm words and started to feel guilty. He shouldn't behave like that, he should've know that Jimin must have a reason to every decisions for him. But what did he do? He just continued to walk to the driver seat and entered the car without says anything or even look at Jimin for a glance.

He shut the door off and drove the car away madly.

Jimin eyed the car until it disappeared from his sight and sighed heavily, the war in his mind whether should he just let Jungkook go or not had started to eat him alive on the inside. He ruffled his hair stressfully and walked to the entrance of his company with his fucked up moods.

Meanwhile, the guy who's in all black outfits pulled up his mask to cover up his face and took off his cap in a speed before replaced it with his black helmet. He got himself on the bike and began to drove and speed the bike to follow Jungkook closely from behind.

"I've my eyes on him Sir." the guy informed through the connections that he was wearing and received a deep hummed through the earpiece.

"Good. Where's my Jimin?"

"Already entered the building Sir."

"Alright. Follow that motherfucker carefully and tell me where's he going."


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