Moments of Ye-ups

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Moments of Ye-ups

The boys in the back of the classroom were throwing spit balls at each other. I didn't exactly know where the fun was in rolling up little pieces of paper and spitting them each other's hair was, but they seemed to be having fun so I didn't question it. The girls in the front were chatting about who knows what, one of them started laughing, throwing her head back and leaning against the back of her chair before she went back to the conversation.

I knew I didn't want to sit by either of them. So that left the middle.

I hadn't been able to go to my English class the day previous. It was my last hour, and the principle had called me down to make sure I was adjusting fine. It was a kind gesture, but I couldn't help and wish that I could have attended that last class.

All day, that first day, I was secretly crossing my fingers that the girl with the beautiful eyes would be in one of my classes, but she wasn't. Then the next day, the day that I actually got to attend my last hour English class, I had crossed my fingers even tighter, hoping beyond hope that maybe she just wasn't in class because she had been sick.

She was in my Biology class, but she stuck tightly to her friends, and I didn't have the courage to walk up to her and introduce myself.

What would I have even said? "Hi, I saw you take the kid that was freaking out, out of my class yesterday. It's nice to meet you." Yeah, I didn't see that going over all that well.

So instead I decided to hold out, and maybe get lucky and have her as a partner for an experiment.

"Brently Laker," I said to the teacher holding my hand out to him so he could shake it.

He did it without taking his eyes off of the computer screen in front of him, muttering a quick, "Welcome to the school," before dropping my hand and telling me to choose a spot.

But I was stuck. If I sat down in somebody else spot, there would be that awkward moment when I had to stand up and try to find a spot all over again.

Taking a deep breath I sat down in one of the most destroyed desks I had ever seen. Just looking at it, I could see the seat was just sitting on the bars that were suppose to be the legs. Words that I didn't even like reading were scratched into the faux wood, and black marker made inappropriate images cover the surface.

"You must be pretty brave, sitting in that desk."

I jumped at the sound of her voice. She hadn't been standing there seconds before when I had sat down, I would have noticed her if she had been.

She was smiling down at me, her beautiful green eyes sparkled and my breath caught in my throat for a second.

I don't understand why she affected me quite so much. She wasn't beautiful like the other girls around her, unless you counted her eyes. I mean she was beautiful. She was breathtaking, just not in the same way as the girls around her. It was a beauty that I couldn't describe, one that I could look at all day, and still not feel like I had seen all of it.

"That's the dunce desk."

I shake my head trying not to stare at her. It was a feat hard done than said.


Her smile grew wider, "That's the dunce desk. You know the kid who was bad, dunce?"

"I know what a dunce is, I just didn't hear you," I tried to explain without looking like a complete idiot, although I'm sure that option had long since passed, "I just didn't want to sit in anybody's desk and this seemed like the most likely option."

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