Moments of Kissing

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Moments of Kissing

I don't exactly know what happened. One second I'm telling her about her parents divorce, the next she's laying her head down on my pillow and falling asleep.

I'm trying to distract myself, find other things that I can do. Little mundane things like posting the picture back up on the wall that she didn't want to keep, but when I almost fall on top of her I quickly stop. What I'm trying to avoid is watching her. But it's easier said than done.

She snores when she sleeps. Like snores like on cartoons that shake the whole room, but just little sounds that if I don't pay attention to her I don't hear them. The problem is, is I hear them almost the whole time.

While she's asleep I think about the call I got yesterday. I have been waiting for it since the hospital, when the police came into my room the second day I woke up, asking questions about the car that crashed into us. All I could tell them was the color, and the fact that it was some type of SUV or truck, or another big vehicle, but it doesn't seem to have been enough for them.

"Are you sure you can't tell us anything else about the vehicle?" the woman, Brenda I think she said her name was, said over the phone. I told her no, but she didn't seem to like the answer, "What about your friend, Genesis," I hated how she said Genesis was just my friend, although I guess she is now, she doesn't remember anything else, "does she remember anything."

"I told you," I had said. Dr, Bright, my therapist, told me that sudden burst of anger were normal for brain injury victims, but I don't think I believed her until I was trying to stop myself from throwing the phone at the wall, "she doesn't remember anything after her fifteenth birthday until the day she woke up in the hospital. She doesn't remember the crash. She doesn't remember the car," she doesn't remember me.

I'm sitting on Hades bed when he walks in. He takes a look from me, sitting with my head in my hands, to Genesis, curled up underneath my blankets. She hadn't originally gotten under the blankets that the center had given us but not long after she fell asleep she started to shiver. And it was either cover her up, or I would be lying down next to her trying to share my body heat with her.

Is that her? he mouths pointing from Genesis, to the picture sitting on my bedside table.

I nod, and he turns back around, shutting the door a little to hard behind him.

Genesis jumps a little, not quite sitting up, but even with her eyes remaining closed, it's enough that I know that she's awake.

"I'm sorry," she whispers. She buries her face into my pillow, "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

When she sits up I see her sway ever so slight. She presses a hand to her forehead, waits about two seconds, and lays back down.

"It's okay," I move over and sit down on the edge of my bed, "You were in an accident. Your body is still healing itself. You're bound to be tired."

"Yeah but, I fell asleep in your bed while you were talking," her hands go to cover her face, something that she's always done when she embarrassed, "It was so rude of me."

I laugh, "Genesis, it's fine, I swear. I'm not mad or anything. You used to always fall asleep, you could never stay awake."

It feels good to be able to talk about how we were before, and when I think about all of the times she fell asleep while we were watching a movie or something, when she was resting her head on my shoulder, my breath catches in my throat. I don't know if it makes her uncomfortable when I talk about who we were in the last three years, she doesn't act like she is, but she's always been a good actor.

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