Moments of Messing Up

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Moments of Messing Up

Genesis and I have never been the perfect storybook couple. Yes, I love her beyond believe. And yes, I would rather die than argue with her, or even worse, break up with her. But we are not the couple that never has arguments.

The first time I met her parents was probably the worse.

"I should tell you something," she was fiddling with her dress.

I was nervous to say the least. When I first saw her, picking me up because my brother had the car, I think my exact words were, "Hum-de-la." I'm not even sure where I got those words from, well if you want to call those words, because I don't think that I would. But what was I suppose to say. She just showed up look breathtaking, and I was already nervous before that! I was meeting her parents for goodness sakes! What if I royally messed it up? She would never want anything to do with me ever again.

"Please don't tell me your family is going to kill me?" I begged trying my best to stay calm. I wasn't doing very good because my voice came out like a bats.

She laughed, and I could have just sat there for the rest of my life and listened to that laugh, "No, nothing like that. I should just warn you, he's a bit autistic. Nothing-"

She was going to say more, but my nervous blabber mouth was way ahead, "They are going to kill me aren't they?"

By the time I realized what it was that I said, she had already slapped me across the face, and trust me, I knew for a fact that I deserved it.

"Genesis," I said trying to smooth things over before I could make it any worse. My nerves of meeting her family were gone, replaced by nerves so much worse. Nerves of losing her, "I didn't mean that."

But she wasn't listening to me. She was too busy pushing me out of the door. I didn't even remember her opening it.

I hated myself, and that was just me being kind to myself. If I was being truthful, I wanted to stab myself in the gut, just so I could die, but still feel the pain that I deserved.

"Genesis!" I tried yell through the window, pounding on it, and doing whatever else that I could to try and get her to listen to me, "Genesis, I'm sorry, I was nervous," but she had already driven away from me. My hand feel to my side and I knew that stabbing myself in the gut wasn't a big enough punishment, "I'm sorry," I whispered to nothing.

That night when Grayson and Annalease came back from her small fashion show that she got downtown, the found me laying face down on the couch. I couldn't feel anything.

"Brently?" Annalease asked me and knelt in front of me. I wished she wouldn't because I didn't need her to see me crying, "I thought you were going to Genesis's house tonight. We didn't expect you home for another couple hours."

New tears pooled on the couch as I thought of the hideous things that I said about her family. She had to know that they weren't true. She just had to. I hung out with Malachi every single day, that had to be a good enough sign for her. But no, I had to slip up and let my freaking nerves take over.

"I made fun of her family," I choked out between sobs. It was ridiculous. I was a fifteen year old boy, I shouldn't be crying, let alone over a girl.

But I was, and for the life of me I couldn't make myself stop. I loved her. And I didn't care what people have to say, like it's insane that I loved her, I'm only fifteen I don't even know what love is, but I do know that I love her. What else would explain the fact the whenever her hand brushed mine it felt like I stuck my finger in an electrical outlet. What else would explain how badly I was craving to be able to kiss her again. I loved her, and that's final.

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