Moments of Pain

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Moments of Pain

I hate to admit, kissing Genesis had been in my mind since the week after I met her. When I had seen Colston kissing her in the hallway two emotions took over my body; anger, and want. I wanted to see what it would be like to kiss her.

But my moment didn't come until about a week before the two of them broke up.

"There's something wrong with him," she was crying, and I didn't like it. I wanted to find him and punch him, but even more, I wanted to tell her what he was doing behind her back.

"You're just going to hurt her," he had told me, "Do you want to hurt her?"

"Do you?" I had snapped back.

"He never wants to talk anymore, and he's always distant," she pressed her face into my shoulder and my breath caught in my throat, "Can you talk to him? Maybe he'll tell you what's going on."

"Genesis," I pushed on her shoulders lightly so I could look in her face. I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell her so bad. She deserved to know. Opening my mouth I tried to get the words out, but when I looked at her and I saw how sad she was, I knew if I told her it would just be worse. And I couldn't cause her any pain, it would hurt too much to see her like that. So, sighing, I said, "I'll try."

I stormed up to him at the grocery store. I didn't care if he was working, I needed to talk to him. I needed to convince him, what he was doing is just hurting her more than if he just told her.

"You need to tell her," I demanded instead of a hello.

He paused putting a cereal box on the shelf and looked at me, "Hello to you too."

I wanted to slap his smirk right off of his face. He was proud of what he was doing. He was proud he was hurting Genesis, and that just made me even more angry.

"You need to tell her," I said again.

He gave me a confused look, "Tell who, what?"

I slammed my hand on the shelf. It rattled, and for a second I thought it would fall down completely, but thankfully it only shook for a while and knocked down a box or two of oatmeal.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," when he still gave me that confused look, I all but exploded at him, "Genesis! You need to tell Genesis what you're doing. You're hurting her more by not telling her than you would if you just told her."

He shrugged, "I'm not doing anything wrong."

I gaped at him, completely astounded by what was saying.

"You're cheating on her!" I whisper-yelled, hoping somebody wouldn't overhear us, "How are you not doing anything wrong?"

He glared at me, "Well maybe if she would put out every now and then, I wouldn't."

I was ready to kill him. If he said another word, I wasn't going to hold myself back anymore, and I would kill him. Trying to keep myself from him killing him I turned and stormed from the store.

"You're not going to tell her," he said before I even got out of the isle. I turned and looked at him, "You won't, I know you won't."

"Why's that?" I asked my anger seeping into my voice.

"Because you don't want to be the one to hurt her," I froze, he didn't know that I was almost positive that I loved her. So why was he giving me a look like he knew everything? "I know how you feel about her. I think the only person that doesn't know is her. You're not a very good actor."

I clenched my fist, "Tell her by next week," and I walked out.

As soon as I got out of building Grayson pulled up. He jumped out of the car to let me drive, and by the time I was sitting in the driver's seat he already knew how angry he was. Sadly, the thing about my brother is he didn't know when to just leave things alond, so I found him asking, "Dude, what happened? You look like you're ready to punch me."

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