Chapter 3: A Drug

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Abdu had his arms wrapped around me as we laid on my bed watching tv

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Abdu had his arms wrapped around me as we laid on my bed watching tv. It was a comedy of sorts. My eyes lids kept getting heavy as the waves of exhaustion came over.

"You falling asleep?" his voice was soft.

I hadn't said much since earlier. He knew I didn't want to talk about. I was so embarrassed about my panic attacks. They used to be worse, much worse.


"You want to go for a walk?"


I curled up tighter against him, my head against his hard chest. I traced his tattoos, following the intricate designs.


He looked down at me, "What?"

"Can we get high?" I said sheepishly.

I hated asking, but it was the only thing I wanted right now. Smoking weed was never enough, taking my medications would make me physically sick. I needed something.

"You know it's dangerous babe," he said sternly.

"I know, but I need something," I whined.

To be honest, I didn't care that it was dangerous. I could care less if I died.

"No. You don't need it," he pushed me away as he got up.

My mind was racing as he grabbed his shirt. He was going to leave because I made him upset.

"Please..." I trailed off, "just one last time?" I begged.

"Carissa. I said no, you need to stay clean," he snapped.

"I only got clean from drugs on the streets because of what you give me!" my cheeks heated, and my body began shaking as anger flooded me.

He looked back at me. Sadness in his eyes. I hate how emotional he was sometimes. I didn't want to be pitied. I just wanted to get high for just a moment. To forget everything for just a moment.

"Fine." He growled, "but this is the last time. Ever. Agreed?"

"Yes!" A smile spread across my lips.

I couldn't help but feel excited. I know I am fucked up in the head. My priorities are mixed up. I just wanted it one last time.

"You promise?" He asked.

I paused for a moment. I hated promises. He knew I kept my promises because they meant the world to me. My parents could never keep a promise and that's why I hated people who said they promised, but never meant it. I knew he wouldn't let me do this again, he was dead set on making sure I got completely clean.

"I promise."

He grabbed my hand gently. His warmth instantly absorbing into my hand. He kissed my wrist, sending feelings of tingles straight to my bone. His dark skin contrasting with my light tan skin tone. His jaw muscles twitching as he planted a kiss. His fangs extended and he bites down slowly into my wrist.

I gasped in shock as the piercing pain shot through my arm and then it changed to a burning sensation. A pleasurable burning sensation. My body began to feel euphoric. Began to feel like I was in another world, floating. Happy, pleasurable emotions filled my body. I felt invincible.

Abdu began to pull away. I don't know how long he was drinking from me for, but I realized I was laying on the bed and he was hovered over me.

"Please don't stop," I whispered out.

"Carissa... I'm sorry but have to," he murmured as he let my wrist fall gently beside me.

"No. Please," I tried to lift my head, but I couldn't.

The happy emotions were already beginning to fade along with the warm sensation. The floating feeling already disappearing. Abdu shifted and rolled to one side of the bed, pulling me in close. His warmth was comforting me at this moment.

"Get some rest," he kissed my cheek.

My eyelids were gaining weight, feeling like a ton of bricks. They closed and I could no longer fight the sleep. Pure darkness.

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