Chapter 7: Friend or Foe

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Cold air blasted through my body as I stepped outside of work after showing Doctor Amari how to set the alarm after closing. He was a quick learner, soon he will be on his own doing things that veterinarians do.

"Thank you, Carissa, for teaching me about the clinic. My last clinic didn't do that, and it was hard to figure out where everything was that I needed..." he trailed off.

He gazed out at the empty, dark street.

"Well, I am sure tomorrow you will do just fine without me," I smiled softly.

"Oh? Are you not coming in?" His hazel eyes looked at me with curiosity.

"Nope, it's my day off."

I felt a lot calmer around him today then I did yesterday. Abdu was still agitating me with his mysteries and failure to communicate. However, something about Doctor Amari made me feel calm in his presence.

"Well, do you want a ride?" he asked as he walked over to his car, unlocking it.

"No, it's okay," I laughed nervously.

I didn't want to be a bother, I had two legs to walk with.

"Are you sure? It's not a big deal. In fact, I wouldn't mind some company," he grinned.

I stood there fidgeting my hands on my purse strap. I didn't have a ride tonight and the dark did creep me out usually. Doctor Amari did seem okay, and if not, he had my sister to answer to.

"Okay," I mumbled as I walked awkwardly to the car.

"Great," he grinned and ran over to the passenger side to open the door.

"Oh, thank you."

He closed the door and got in the car.

"Have you never had someone open the door for you?"

"No," I thought about it for a minute.


"Well..." he trailed off, "now you have."

We drove while he played music. I directed him towards my house. His music was interesting, not what I expected. It was a mixed genre of chill-rap, gangster-rap, and more. It made me uncomfortable in the fact it reminded me of the people I use to hang out with and shoot up heroin. Smoke some meth, snorting cocaine. Whatever I could find to get high.

"C-can we change the music?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, of course. I'm sorry, I should've asked what you liked," he handed me his phone. "Choose something."

I scrolled through the music options, choosing some Two Feet songs. My body relaxed, the urge for a high was there but not as much. I closed my eyes for a second, taking a deep breath.

"You live all the way out here?" Dr. Amari asked, looking around at the wilderness.

"Yeah, we are getting close."

Everyone has always been surprised me and my sisters lived out of town, it wasn't too far.

"Here," I pointed at the driveway.

He stopped in front of the two-story white house.

"Wow, that's a nice house," He said.

I looked at it again. It was a nice structure, big windows, a balcony, well-kept, intricate trimmings, and a garage. It also had a basement.

"I guess..." I trailed off as I opened the door.

"Hey, here's my number," he handed me a card, "please let me know if you ever need or want a ride."

He genuinely looked concerned.

"That's not necessary," I laughed sheepishly.

"Please, just in case."

"Okay, okay," I grabbed the card and smiled, "thank you."

I walked up to the door as I heard the tires of his car against the gravel disappear into the distance.

"Why didn't you call?"

I jumped and swirled around, heart banging against my chest. There, stood the man from last night. In a black suit, contrasting against his dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I clenched my purse, ready to take out my knife or pepper spray.

"How do you know where I live?" my voice shook.

"It wasn't very hard to follow you last night," he smirked, leaning against the pillar.

"Why are you following me?" I snapped, taking a step back.

"Your gorgeous Carissa, what can I say," he shrugged his shoulders and raised his hand's ups innocently. "I just couldn't stay away," he gave a sly smile.

"Bullshit," I spat.

My whole body was shaking in fear. I shakily tried to open my purse and then his hand clasped around my wrists roughly, making me drop everything. He had me pinned up against the door, the door handle jabbing me painfully.

"I'd have to say, I can definitely see why he likes you," his breath ran down my face as his eyes roamed my body.

His grip was hurting my wrists.

"What do you want?" I said through gritted teeth.

"We never properly introduced each other. I am Verlene!" He said bubbly-like, letting me go and turning away to gaze at the forest.

I rubbed my wrists feeling the blood go back into my hands.

"I am not here to hurt you, I like you." He grinned walking back towards me.

I stiffened as he got close.

"Like me?" I asked confused.

He pulled out his phone and was pushing buttons.

"I like you. You have potential that I think Abdu doesn't deserve..." he trailed off, "and if it takes the painful truth to let you see that then so be it."

He turned his phone so I could see a video. A video of Abdu having sex with not just one... but three women? My heart dropped to my stomach, making me run off the porch and to vomit on the grass. My knees buckled from beneath me as my whole body trembled.

"What is that?" I spat as tears ran down my face.

Each teardrop splashing down onto my arms or pants.

"Abdu loves no doubt. He is a good liar. He has duties that can never allow him to be faithful," Verlene sat beside me.

"What are you talking about?" I sobbed.

"He is a prince. A prince in the vampire kingdom has duties to reproduce with high ranking vampire females..." he trailed off.

"Your lying!" I surge of anger roared in my body and I stuck Verlene. Punching him wherever I could.

Verlene didn't try to stop my attacks, he hardly budged. Sadness swept through me again and I started sobbing and hiccupping.

"I can take the pain away for a little while," he brushed my hair back with his index finger. "I can give you a high that he was too scared to give..." he trailed off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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