Chapter 6: Paranoia

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My heart was pulsing throughout my whole body

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My heart was pulsing throughout my whole body. Through the shivering and cold, my blood boiled with rage. I wanted to know why Abdu was being so vague. I, of course, couldn't just walk home. I ended up right outside his doorstep. His lights were on, every room was lit.

I raised my hand that was balled into a frozen fist and banged against the door. I could hear police sirens in the background of the town. The door creaked open.


A very tall, slender man appeared in the doorway. His eyes were dark, his skin pale, his cheeks sunken in and he held a frown.

"Is Abdu here?" I asked.

"Uhm. He's busy. I can give him a message if you want?"

He held no expression in his face. My hands start fidgeting as I kept tugging at the edges of the sleeves on my jacket.

"What the fuck is he so busy with?" I snapped.

I wanted to know. What was so god damn important? Was this man covering up for him? Was he fucking some bitch right now?


Again. The man was expressionless. Something felt wrong about this. This man. My nerves were tightening in the pit of my stomach.

"I want to speak with him," I persisted.

"Can't let you do that, he's occupied."

"Occupied! The fuck? Occupied with some slut?" I yelled.

I shoved him aside hard only for him to not budge. He side-stepped, blocking my way in. I was uncomfortably close, but I would not lower my gaze. This fucker. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Get out of my way," I said through gritted teeth.

"I canno-"

"-It's fine. Let her in," Abdu's voice said sternly behind him.

The man held some hesitation before turning away and walking past Abdu.

"Why are you here?" Abdu lowered his voice as he stepped towards me.

"You..." I trailed off trying to get my thoughts together, "you leave out of nowhere, avoid talking to me and then when you do talk you get all vague. Call me your love but give no explanation. What did you expect?" I hissed. 

I knew there were other people in the house. My jaw muscles strained and ache slightly from restraining how I really wanted to talk. He stepped closer cupping my cheeks in his warm hands. The warmth felt relaxing. Calming.

"Look," he paused, "I love you. You know this, but you also have to understand that it isn't safe for you to be around me right now."

His eyes were filled with concern. Deep down I knew he was telling the truth, but I was in denial.

"Are you seeing someone else?"

The words barely escaped me.

"What? No. Of course not."

He stepped closer. The heat radiated off his body, drawing me in closer like a magnet.

"I promise. Wants I get this all sorted I will come see you. Okay?"

"You promise?" I whispered.

"I promise."

We stared at each other for who knows how long. Neither of us wanting to move.


A man from the living room area appeared. He was very built, dirty blonde hair, green eyes and wore a suit. Abdu dropped his hands and turned to walk away. I quickly grabbed his elbow gently tugging it.

"Abdu?" I pleaded.

I needed him to stay. To explain what was going on. I didn't want him to go.

"It's okay," he squeezed my hand affectionately, "remember, I promised."

He gave a sad smile as he turned and disappeared. Leaving the blonde guy to smirk at me like he was amused about something.

"What?" I said sternly.

"You really love him? Or you love the addiction?" he smirked.

I felt the blood from my face completely disappeared. No one was supposed to know about what Abdu did for me. I did truly love him. Sometimes the addiction though controlled me more than my emotions towards him.

"I love him, " I replied through a clenched jaw.

"Good," he said softly as he stepped forward until he was only inches away from me, "but if you ever need a high, let me know."

He grabbed my hand and turned it over, putting a piece of paper in it and closing my hand into a fist. The smirk never leaving his face as he let go and walked away. Leaving me standing there alone. I opened the paper; it was his phone number.

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