"Enter: Naruko Uzumaki! - Part 1"

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Night. A silver moon shines brightly in the dark sky. Suddenly the sky fluttering long, covered with red coat tails.

— A nine-tailed demon Fox appeared many years ago. - began narrative feminine senile voice.

In the midst of forests, and if more accurately, towering over him, is worth a giant red they. His long powerful tails furiously beat on air, intertwining between themselves. Red with narrow pupils of the eyes are burning with hatred and bloodlust. The Fox growls, Baring the sharpest teeth in the world.

She leaped up and then stood on all four clawed feet, destroying a good part of the forest. A cloud of dust and the remains of trees rose into the air, among them the fragments of nearby rocks, some wounded and dead bodies, and splatters of blood.

"Every stroke of her tail destroyed mountains and caused a tsunami. To stop its, shinobi have entered with it in battle.

"Hold her until the Fourth Hokage arrives!" — shouted one of the shinobi, bleeding, as well as his companions barely standing on his feet.

— We won't last long!" the second man echoed him, squatting down and dealing with a leg pierced by his own weapon, simultaneously trying to overcome a terrible thirst for blood.

The ground shook again. Not far from the giant demon Fox appeared an equally huge toad in a vest and with a pipe in his mouth, on the back of which stood a tiny human figure in a flowing long cloak and with long Golden hair. Seeing them, the Fox bared its teeth and opened its mouth wide, ready to pounce and finish them off in one fell swoop, but it was not there. The Golden-haired girl stretched out her arms in front of her, and then the whole area was flooded with a dazzling white light. At the same moment the roar, the destruction of the forest, and the endless deaths of the people ceased, and the girl and the giant toad disappeared without a trace.

— Then one shinobi, sacrificing their lives, sealed demon. This kunoichi was named the Fourth Hokage.

Suddenly the dead silence was broken by a child's cry. On the very spot where the demon Fox had been stood an altar surrounded by candles, and on it lay a weeping newborn baby with stripes on her cheeks and a spiral on her belly.



12 years later

On the street neck loudly laughing I would've kept with fluttering have it behind Golden tails, running away from pursuing its shinobi. In her hand she miraculously does not spill yellow paint. She's wearing a loose black t-shirt, an orange jacket with a white collar tied around her waist, and orange pants with blue fingerless shoes. No less striking features of the appearance of this blonde are cat stripes on her cheeks and sparkling blue eyes.

- Hey, Naruko! How could you do such a thing?!

— You're going to pay for this!" the men in pursuit shout, shaking their fists and trying in vain to grab at the long tails of hair or the sleeves of their jackets.

As soon as she jumped from one side of the building to the other, they followed her. From the outside it seemed as if they were flashing here and there points, one of which stood out with its orange-yellow colors and green glasses on his head.

"Shut up!" she turned in a breath-taking, ear-popping, hair-waving flight, her gaze sweeping over the rock-carved faces covered with inscriptions, designs, and children's drawings of all colors, pleased and proud of herself. "None of you could have done anything like that." And I did it! I am inimitable!

"Third, terrible news!

— Hokage-sama!

— Well, what else? — what is it? " asked an old woman standing by the balcony, writing with a pipe in her mouth, already knowing the answer. "Did naruko do something again?"

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