Enter: Naruko Uzumaki! - Part 3

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No matter, night or day, but even in the forest difficult not discern Golden ponytails and orange clothes this girls, and perishing its heavy breath was heard on enough a long distance. For elite shinobi, like the same Iruki, this was not the problem. Noticing all this, she walked briskly over to the blonde sitting on the ground, who seemed to be catching her breath and looked rather shabby on the whole.

— Naruko... - unkindly held out Umino, slowly approaching it. The girl smiled sheepishly and gave an awkward laugh. The brown-haired woman looked puzzled.

— You found me." I have only one technique they had learned. she rubbed the back of her head, then began to tie up her hair, which was almost completely loose.

"She was teaching techniques here until she was completely exhausted?"— eyebrows brown-haired women went up, it was worth it again to cast the girl attention. The situation was getting more and more out of control, while she herself felt that she did not understand something.

"Hey! I'll show you an amazing technique! - happily has exclaimed girl, actively gesticulating. Her blue eyes were hopeful again. — If I do that, will you give me an exam?" If I show the technique from this scroll, I will definitely pass the exam, right? naruko's enthusiastic, ringing voice echoed in Iruki's mind as the essence of Her words slowly began to sink in.

— Who told you that?" "what is it?" she asked softly, her voice trembling. She was suddenly afraid, not for herself, but for the smiling and terribly naive girl standing in front of her.

"Mizuki-Sensei! - exclaimed on the entire wood the blonde, jumping up on place. "The scroll, this place. Mizuki-Sensei said...

Further brown-haired its already not listened to. In her mind the echo of repeated words Naruko, in particular, name partner in the exam. Her kind and smiling face immediately rose before her eyes, as well as the way she had suddenly offered her assistance to her pupil. This from her she absolutely did not expect, and this was causing her even more fear. My foreboding did not disappoint.

"Mizuki said?»

In the same minute intuition again gave about itself know. Turning around and look at flying in Uzumaki kunai, she pushed girl in thumping and the kind, having cried out, has flown in side. The brown-haired woman covered herself with her hands, taking the blow and driving back to the fence wall.

Fortunately, most of the kunai had sunk into the fence, but one of them had hit the leg just below the knee, which was now bleeding.

"I'm impressed you found her." she heard the voice of her former partner, which had become so vile and hateful to her.

"I see... So that's what's going on here..." she muttered through clenched teeth, looking up at the girl standing on a tree branch, her shoulder-length silver hair blowing in the wind.

"Naruko, give me the scroll." her voice was deceptively sweet.

Hey, Hey... — narrowed blue eyes of the blonde looked at pulling from the leg, the kunai Iruka to Mizuki Shigeru road, which was the one who threw in her Sensei's arms. Cold sweat began to trickle down her face, and her body trembled on the ground. — What's going on?"

- Naruko! the brown — haired woman sharply pulled the kunai from his leg. — Don't give her the scroll, not even with your life!" This is a dangerous scroll, it sealed forbidden ninjutsu. Mizuki used you to get her hands on him.

"Naruko, Iruka-Chan is afraid that you have the scroll. - all those same sweet voice continued silver-haired girl, holding out in its side hand.

Naruko slowly shifted glance with it on Sensei, not understanding, that at all now is happening and that this for a strange the atmosphere. She was in a lot of situations, but this never, because she did not understand and did not know what to do now, whom to listen and whom to believe.

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