Enter: Naruko Uzumaki! - Part 2

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On the morrow. Academy

— So we begin the final exam." Those who are called, pass into the next room. The exam will be according to the technique of cloning. Iruka read aloud.

"Damn it! — Naruko on the head like a boulder fell with the words "I'm gay!" She clutched her head, Curling her fingers into her ponytails. — That's one of my worst skills!"


Finally it was her turn. Entering the room, where she was waiting for Iruka Sensei and the second —  girl with a friendly smile, the blonde stood in front of a table on which lay a bandage. With a determined expression on her face and in her eyes, she folded the seal and was enveloped in smoke and blue chakra. The wind rose, ruffling her hair.

— But I'll do it!" The technique of cloning.

But when the smoke cleared, there was something lying on the floor beside her that looked vaguely like her, but had the appearance of a pale zombie with eyes like a dead fish.

With a frightened gasp, the blonde covered her mouth with her hands, and, trembling, waited with bated breath for the decision of the examiners. In the face of Hiroki, which nervously twitched an eyebrow, everything was clear.

"You failed!" — these words made Naruko to turn white and even grab the wall, as it seemed to her that at that moment, the ground left her feet.

— Iruka-Sensei suddenly turned to her partner for the exam. "Her movements and stamina are good. Besides, technically she created a clone. We could give her a pass.

At these words the pale face of the blonde again assumed a healthy shade, and a smile appeared on her face, hope shone in her blue eyes.

"Mizuki-Sensei," Iruka said grimly. — Everyone else created at least three clones. But Naruko created only one clone, Yes and the nowhere not good. I can't read her the exam.

Naruko long not experienced such a strong and painful grievances.


After passing the exam in the courtyard of the Academy formed a crowd of students who passed the exam and congratulating their parents. They talked loudly, laughed, bragged to friends and family, pointed a finger at the bandage, and their parents hugged, kissed them, promised to arrange a delicious dinner or something to give.

One Naruko was off to the side. Sitting on the swing, with longing in the empty blue eyes looking at all this happiness and joy, which she never experienced. With shaking fingers tighten on the rope swing, the legs are hanging freely, uneven bangs hid his eyes.

— I did it, now I'm an adult!

- Wonderful work! That's my son!

— I'm so proud of you." I'll cook your favorite meal for lunch!

"Hey, it's that girl... — came the whisper of one of the women, who suddenly turned her attention to the couple with her companion.

"Yes, that's the girl.

— I heard she was the only one who didn't pass."

"All right. one of them snorted, looking at the blonde with contempt and even malice. The same look was the second lady even curled his lips, his whole appearance, showing his hostility towards the Uzumaki.

— If she becomes a ninja, it will only cause trouble." the listening girl covered her ears with her hands.

— Because she- — the woman who spoke did not finish her sentence, for her companion interrupted her abruptly with a hiss and a finger to her lips. Glancing around them, making sure no one was listening, she whispered in her ear.

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