Eternal (4)

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I hate the rain.

It brings back bad memories, the day my father and brother died.

The day Sangpotirat heir died.

It's all my fault.

My high fever had haven't gone down for two days. My father sent my brother to the doctor for me. Soon he received an unfortunate message...

My father took off right away and...

It was an accident.

But what kind of accident that took two lives away on the same day?
What if they don't go to the doctor for me?
What if my fever went down before my brother took off?

"It's all your fault, Krist. Why didn't you die? Why him? Why them? Why Not you? You killed my husband. You killed the heir of Sangpotirat. You have to fix it!!"

The pain was deep and extreme. I was overwhelmed by it. I felt desperate. I had never felt pain so intense. I had no idea what to do.

I am so sorry, mom.

I should've died.

It's all my fault.

But you know I also your son?

I stop to live my life being myself the day my brother died, the day my father died.

It's alright.

Krist is a spare of Sangpotirat heir.

Krist was watching the pouring rain through the window.

"I hate the rain. It's been for three days already. I feel so depressed. Pam, What is Singto doing nowadays?"
Krist asked hesitantly to her back by sitting on his bed.

Today is her last day to stay at Arsalprakit's residence.

Pam remembered the last time she saw ranting Singto, who left the house a few days ago.

Pam put her coat on and turned around with confused expression.

She wasn't sure if she should tell Krist about the real Singto's condition.

Krist tilted his head.

"...Kit...If you want to know about Lady Singto, why don't you call him? Why don't you come home with me?"
Pam finally asked him.

Krist remembered what Nammon said to him. Since the day, Nammon started to remind Krist what is NOT possible with pain.

Krist has no right to going home.

Krist has to stay here, no matter what.

No matter how much he wants to see Singto, Singto won't like him anymore.
"...Does Earl Nammon hit you?"
Pam asked, hesitantly.

Krist jitters.
"What are you talking about?"

"When I help you to change..I saw bruises on your back."
Pam frowned.

"Pam..please don't say it to anyone. It's all my fault."
Krist looked at her worriedly.

"Kit, there is no right reason that someone hurt you. Look, If you need to take care of Earl Nammon's grandmother, you can visit her every day because we are living in the same city. You don't have to stay here."
Pam calmly asked him.

"Eh? Can I do that?"
Krist's brain became numb.

His face became a blank. Pam could see his eyes is going out of focus.

Eternal (completed)( Republished )Where stories live. Discover now