Let's start from the Beginning

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Angel, this is the start of so many stories but unlike most other fairy tales this one is based on a true story.  Let's see how much of this story you can decipher.  I hope you enjoy it baby.  Happy Anniversary, I love you.

So back to the story.  This princess was unlike most princess' she was different.  She didn't like what other princess' did and never truly fit in because of it.  She was considered awkward and out of step with what it truly meant to be a princess.  The only people she could get along with were the knights of her kingdom.  She never understood the other princess' what they cared about made no sense to her.  She truly was alone and due to that she led a very dark life.  Nothing she did ever mattered.  So she would do whatever she wanted.  She was quite often in trouble.  The King and Queen did not know what to do with her.  Shadows ruled over her life.  Convincing her to constantly do the wrong things.  She was headed down a dark path influenced by the shadows that ruled her life, and her past was catching up with her quickly.

Angel was courting a Prince from a neighboring kingdom.  He was cruel and just as dark as she was.  The pairing couldn't have been more terrible.  She was trapped and he would not let her go.  He treated her horribly and she took it with no other choice.  It was her duty to be married in order to make her kingdom stronger but she did not love him.  The Prince would show her off often and he would often put her in her place.  She was forbidden to ever speak against him or he would make her pay.  She followed one step behind at all times.  But the darkness surrounding her would not allow her a opportunity to get away.  It forced her into a state of confusion where she stayed with him thinking she had no other options.  The darkness even convinced her that she had real feelings for him although she did not.  Everything the prince did to her and told her only pulled her that much further into the darkness and she thought that was her life and she would forever be in the dark.  She was completely blind to the darkness.  She had no idea that it had a hold of her and of her heart.  She thought this was the way life was meant to live and she never questioned if there was anything better for her.  She never realized how cruel the prince was, she just assumed that was just how everyone lived.  She never knew what the sun was so there was never a reason to question it.  Her whole life was a living nightmare.  Even her childhood was horrific.  A life that would not be wished upon the worst of all people.  A life that no child should ever live.  She never knew what it was to be happy so that only forced her into this union more because she didn't know what kindness was and was completely blind to it.  The prince on the other hand knew exactly what was going on and did his best to keep her in the darkness because he knew that if she ever saw the sun he would lose her forever.

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