Different Worlds

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The day came for Angel to make the journey once again.  She couldn't help but watch behind her to make sure the Prince wasn't following her.  She was worried what he might do if he was.  She couldn't believe she had to agreed to meeting Hate again.  She knew that it could never work out between the two of them.  They were polar opposites from completely different worlds.  She didn't even know how to act around him.  Her head filled quickly of all the reasons they should not be together and they danced in her mind as if telling a story of the total failure that it would become.  The fear was overwhelming she was terrified that she would destroy him.  But she thought about him all the time.  She put her head down in her knees as she tried to calmly take everything in and figure out what to do.

As always as they pulled up the first thing Angel saw was Hate.  He was waiting for her to arrive.  She took a deep calming breath as the carriage came to a stop and Hate opened the door for her reaching for her arm as he always did.  She couldn't help but smile as she took his arm and they headed inside like always.  

As they reached the meeting area of the castle she took a quick look around and noticed something different.  "Where is Princess Ellen and Prince Dunes?" She asked as she searched for them not even realizing how close Hate was to her.  He reached out and took her hand turning her towards him.  "I thought it could just be the two of us this time if that is okay." He said as he looked deeply into her eyes.  She took a deep nervous breath as she looked back into his eyes.  "Hate..." She started for him only to put a finger to his lips then to lean in and kiss her once again.

They spent a magical night together alone that night.  All of her fears melted away just being with Hate.  For the first time in her life she felt safe and it was because of him.  They spent plenty of time talking and he calmed her fears taking them away with mere words.  He explained how he fell in love with her from the moment he saw her.  She knew deep in her heart she felt the same way.  She had never actually believed in love and found herself doubting that she was in it.  How can you be something you don't understand?  But time would soon prove that she was. 

Her world was indeed different then his.  But alike in many ways.  They both knew pain and sorrow.  Angel lived it and Hate beat it.  He understood her much more then she could have ever expected.  The night was pure magic.  They connected on a level she didn't even know existed.  She felt different around him.  Desirable and wanted.  She had never felt that way before but he never ceased to make her know how much she was.  

Hate wanted Angel and he was determined to make her his.  He knew she was way to good for the Prince she was with and he wanted to prove it to her.  So despite her nervousness he did everything in his power to calm her and make sure she knew that he wanted her there.  

It wasn't long before Angel had to return home.  But things were different now.  Angel and Hate had made it official and were now courting.  She was shocked at how things turned out but she wasn't unhappy about it.  He walked her to her carriage with her hand in his.  He opened the door to her carriage for her but before she got in he took her into his arms.  He held her tightly against him running his fingers through her hair as he stared into her eyes.  He smiled then leaned down and kissed her.  This kiss was different it was full of love.  She had never had a kiss like that before and it nearly knocked her off her feet.  

Forbidden LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon