Let's Make it Official

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One day Princess Ellen came over to hang out with Angel. Hate went out with Prince Dunes. That was fairly normal lately so she didn't think anything of it. But this day was not like the other days, this day had a very specific purpose. Angel had fun completely distracted with Ellen. They talked and laughed having a great time. Angel had been very sick lately with the pregnancy and wasn't doing her best so the time with a friend was exactly what she needed. They cooked together. They loved to do that. Angel was under the impression that it was for a surprise for Ellen to give to Prince Dunes. They talked and giggled just having fun as they cooked and talked about whatever came to mind.

After they finished cooking Ellen begged Angel to help her set up dinner to surprise Dunes with.  She bit her lip worried about making Hate worry.  "Okay but I have to be back before Hate." She said with a smile and they immediately headed out.  As they rode in the carriage Ellen smiled at Angel.  "Okay so don't be mad but I might have lied." She admitted to Angel.  Angel looked at her confused.  "Yeah I'm going to need you to wear this for the rest of the trip." She said handing Angel a blindfold.  She looked surprised but for the first time in her life she found people that she genuinely believed that she could trust.  "Umm... okay I guess." She said softly as she put the blindfold on her eyes.  They continued to talk the rest of the drive but Angel had no idea where they were or where they were going.  It was a long ride several hours and while they drove Ellen helped Angel dress and then did her makeup.  "Ellen what is going on?" She asked completely confused.  "Shh... it's a surprise." She said with a giggle in her voice.

Soon they arrived at their destination.  "Now wait right here." Ellen said jumping out of the carriage quickly not allowing Angel to ask any questions.  She bit her lip gently confused.  They had gone so far away.  She was worried that Hate would be mad when he found out.  He must be so worried about her.  He had been very over protective since she found out she was carrying their child.  It was then she heard the door to the carriage open again.  But Ellen said nothing.  Angel felt like she was being stared at and it made her nervous.  "Ellen...?" She questioned softly.  It was then she felt someone take her hand and help her out of the carriage.  They reached up and gently removed her blindfold.  She blinked hard as the light was blinding even though it was night.  As her eyes adjusted she smiled seeing Hate in front of her.  "Hate!" She said quietly but excitedly.  He smiled and kissed her gently.  It was then that she noticed her surroundings.  It was a beautiful clear evening.  She could see the stars for miles and miles dancing in the sky.  Hate smiled seeing the wonder in her eyes as she took in her background.  He escorted her into the middle of the field where he had a romantic candle lit picnic set up for them with the food that she had made with Ellen.  "Wait where is Ellen?" She asked and Hate simply shook his head.  "Don't worry Angel she is fine." He said with a laugh as he loved how much she cared about others despite trying to look tough to protect herself.  But he could see right through her.  He knew how kind and loving she truly was.  He pulled out a seat for Angel.  She sat gracefully and he took a seat on the other side.  He then started to pull out the food.  It was by far the most romantic thing Angel had ever seen.  She blushed horribly.  But this was not a perfect night.  Hate was so nervous.  Angel didn't understand why or what was wrong with him but she kept quiet about it.  Even after he spilled wine on her.  She just laughed as she couldn't help but find it adorable. 

After the meal was over Hate walked over to take Angel by the hand.  He looked up at the starry sky and beckoned her to do the same.  "Do you see that star?" He asked pointing at it from where he was.  Of course there was no way to tell which star but Angel wasn't about to tell him that she simply nodded instead.  "I named it for you.  I called it Hate's Angel, because I want you to forever be mine Angel..." He said his voice slightly trailing off.  She turned to look at him and as she did she saw lights in the mountain behind them saying "Will you marry me.".  Hate was on his knee in front of her with a beautiful ring that he had gotten for her.  Her mouth dropped in shock she had no idea what to say or do and she couldn't get her heart to slow down.  "Yes..." She said softly.  He smiled and got up holding her tight in his arms swinging her around and kissing her.

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