The End?

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That night seemed to last forever.  The constant reminder of what had happened.  But then also the realization of what would have to happen now.  She would need to speak with her prince.  She had no idea what to expect.  But she knew that Hate had her heart already.  There was nothing she could do about it.  She couldn't help but wonder how this happened?  It had been such a short time and still she could not get Knight Hate off her mind.  She paced back and forth in her room as she wondered what to say to her prince.  She knew deep inside that this was trouble but, what else could she do?

She decided to take a walk in the garden to try to clear her head.   She walked the garden for hours before she knew it the sun had risen and she was still outside.  Time had no meaning and her head was still full of confusion.  As she continued her walk she saw a beautiful lily growing in the gardens.  Lilies were Angel's favorite flower.  She got down on her knees and reached towards the Lilly gently picking it off it's stem.  She smiled as she brought the flower to her face and sniffed it.  It was then that she heard the last thing she wanted to.  "What are you doing?" The voice came from behind her.  It came so suddenly it made her jump dropping the flower to the ground as she quickly stood up and turned to face her Prince.  "Your highness." She said her voice soft and quivering with fear.  He looked angrily at her as he quickly began to approach her.  "I asked a question." He said with anger in his voice.  "I was just thinking." She snapped at him.  He took a step back in surprise as it was the first time she showed any sign of aggression towards him.  He reached out and grabbed her wrist "What is wrong with you?" He asked as he glared angrily at her.  Angel looked at him with anger in her eyes as she pulled her arm back away from him.  "Don't grab me." She said as she rubbed her wrists.  She took a deep breath as she sat for a moment thinking hard about what to do now.  Her heart screamed Hate's name,  even now looking into the eyes of her prince.

She took a deep breath before telling the Prince everything.  She told him she had feelings for Hate and could no longer be with him.  The anger filled his eyes as she told him the story.  She looked down to the ground unable to keep eye contact with him as she continued.  But she could sense the anger in him.  She looked up at him as she finished and his face was red in anger.  That was when he started to yell.  He said so many awful things about her.  By the time he was done he had threatened her life and made her feel like the worst person alive.  She didn't know what to do, say or think so she sat there quietly and let him yell at her for hours.  Eventually he would tire himself out and leave, leaving Angel alone to take in everything he had just said.

She walked the gardens more after he left feeling completely destroyed she didn't know what to do and hated herself so much.  She couldn't believe she had let this happen and blamed herself entirely.  She went to her room and locked herself in for days.  

Knight Hate tried repeatedly to reach her but he couldn't her hatred for herself wouldn't even allow her to speak with him.  She didn't know how to face him.  So she talked to him only by messages.  The prince often would check on her to make sure she was home and she found her self fearful of leaving the house because of it.  Eventually Hate had enough and told her to come visit him again.  She wasn't sure what to do but decided to do it.  So she agreed.  

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