Time Heals Everything

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Only a few days pass before Angel gets a message.  She looked at it curiously.  She didn't often get messages.  She opened it only to find herself shocked it was from Knight Hate.  She smiled as excitement filled up inside of her.  She opened the message and began to read.  He wrote to make sure she was okay.  He was worried about how her prince had treated her and the way she looked when she left.  He was very precise and to the point.  His message spoke of the way her prince was so cruel to her and how he hated to see her with him.  This was very bold for a knight she had only met a week earlier but there was truth to his words.  Truth that she found she was unable to ignore any longer.  It also invited her back to the kingdom as a guest.  But this time alone.  She knew somewhere in her mind that was wrong but her intrigue was too high for her to resist and soon agreed to come back alone this time.

Soon the day had come when her prince was so busy with kingdom affairs that he would not be able to spend time with Angel.  She took the moment and jumped on it.  She called a carriage and headed immediately back for the far away kingdom.  The whole ride she found herself filling more and more with fear.  She had no idea what to expect.  She was going to meet with Princess Ellen, Prince Dunes, and Knight Hate.  She never lied to her prince and even told him she was going but he was so busy he didn't seem to care.  Soon they arrived to the kingdom.

The carriage door swung open and just as last time Knight Hate was standing outside with his arm stretched out to help her down greeting her with a smile.  "I'm so glad you could make it." He said sweetly as she took his arm and stepped out of the carriage.  This made a bright pink blush caress Angel's cheeks as she smiled.  "I'm very glad to be here, Sir Hate." She said sweetly only to be cut off, "Please, call me Hate." he finished as he escorted her to the castle where they met with Prince Dunes and Princess Ellen.

Ellen ran up to Angel to give her a tight embrace as she arrived and this was starting to feel almost normal to her.  Which based on her current life she was not used to seeing so much affection.  They quickly sat Angel down.  Hate had a surprise for Angel.  She looked up at him curiously.  "A present for me? I can't accept that." She said softly as it felt wrong receiving a gift from another man.  "Angel please.  Accept it.  It's for tonight." He said looking her in the eye to try to convince her it was okay.  She took a long deep breath and then started to open her present.  It was a deck of cards that Hate had specially made just for her.  It was to teach her the game they play in the kingdom.  But he had special cards made just for her to make her smile.  She looked at the details and designs of each card loving each one more then the one before.  She smiled brightly then gave Hate a giant hug.  "Thank you so much.  It's beautiful!" She said thanking him.  

After several hours of having a genuinely good time playing the new card game with her new friends Angel realized how late it had gotten.  "Oh no..." She said softly her voice trailing off into what could only be describe as, disappointment.  "What is it?" Princess Ellen asked her as Prince Dunes and Hate looked up at her curiously.  "It's just that it is getting late.  I should be heading home." She said still unable to hide the disappointment from her voice.  Knight Hate immediately jumped up waving his friends down to stay where they were.  "Please at least allow me to walk you to your carriage." He said offering her once again his arm.  "That would be nice." She said with a smile that once more showed her happiness.  It killed Hate having to see her leave.  He only ever saw her truly happy a few times and all of them he had to work for.  He couldn't help but wonder what her life was like at home and he didn't like it.

Soon they arrived to the carriage and he could see it as the spark of life left her eyes as she looked into the carriage.  He had to do something but what could he do.  He watched as she began to step into the carriage but he couldn't seem to let her hand go.  Angel looked back at him curiously as she realized he was still holding her hand.  She slowly stepped back down and turned to look at him.  "Hate..." She started only to be stopped as he gently wrapped his arms around her waist and began to lean in closer to her.  She stared deep into his eyes both of them unsure of what to do but before either of them could question another moment their lips gently met.  Her eyes closed as she leaned into him and began to kiss him back.  His kiss was soft and gentle.  He held her tightly against himself and she felt safe and protected.  It was like fireworks had went off in her head and it was a brilliant show of colors the danced and blended right before her eyes.  She took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes as she realized he had pulled back.  He stood there nose against nose looking into her eyes.  "I had to." He said softly. 

He gently kissed the top of her hand and helped her into the carriage and before she knew it she was on her way back home.  The ride seemed to be over before it even started as the entire trip she replayed that moment over and over and over again in her mind.  She had no clue what to think or even realize what she had done.  She wondered what he meant when he said he had to.  She couldn't figure out what that meant.  She gently ran her fingers across her lips as she entered her room in the castle.  The warmth of his lips was still fresh on her lips and she could think of nothing else.

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