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Angel spoke with Hate every day from that point on.  She even told her parents that they were courting now.  Her parents weren't happy but interested in how much she had changed and decided to allow it.  She was worried about the Prince and what he was going to do but Hate often told her not to that it would be okay.  Of course there was no way for him to know how wrong he was.

About a week later was the day things really went to hell.  Angel was sitting in her room when the door slammed opened.  She looked up to see the assassin of the Prince's kingdom there looking directly at her.  She stood up and looked at her attacker.  "I suppose the Prince sent you." She said bravely as she moved across her room.  "He did." Was all she said before approaching Angel.  She was under strict orders not to kill the princess but that was the only order she had gotten.  "Angel... you had to know what would happen after you cheated on the prince." She said shaking her head angrily.  "I DID NO SUCH THING!" Angel said angrily, "He just likes to make himself the victim." She finished.

It was then the assassin had enough and pulled a sword out on Angel.  But to her surprise Angel was not going down without a fight.  She wasn't as weak as the assassin thought she was.  Angel pulled a sword down off the wall that was hanging there.  "Shall we?" Angel said with a smile as she antagonized the assassin.  The assassin ran at her sword in hand swinging at her.  Angel quickly dodged the attack and hit the assassin instead.  The fought valiantly back and forth until Angel came out victorious.  She took injuries but nothing critical.  The assassin then fled.  

Despite the fact that she won she knew the Prince would not be happy about the battle.  She had a feeling it was far from over.  But there was nothing she could do about that right now.  She quickly tended to her wounds, patching herself up.  The whole time she wanted to tell Hate what had happened but she didn't want to scare him and didn't know if she should.  She decided not to unless he noticed.

Over the next few weeks the Prince did different things to make Angel suffer and she did many times.  But she felt like she deserved to be punished and took it as it came at her.  She felt horrible about what had happened even though it wasn't her fault.  Eventually the attacks stopped and the Prince disappeared thankfully.  

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