Chapter 2

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After about 30 minutes later, I gave up trying to leave. "Potter, at least let me lay down. I'm exhausted." "Fine, lay down." He unwrapped his arms from around my waist. I moved to where I was sitting at the window seat. My eyes were growing heavy, so I closed them and drifted into sleep.

2 hours later
"Snape, wake up. We're about be at Hogwarts."  "Leave me alone." I slurred, half awake. Then I registered what he had said. "Oh shit!" I jumped up. Only to fall on my face. "Are you okay?" Potter asks while laughing. Damn, I hit my fucking rib. He stopped laughing. The last thing I knew before passing out was, Potter was by my side and him screaming for Lily.

James's POV
"How did this happen?!" Professor Dumbledore roared. We had just carried Snape into the infirmary and laid him on the bed. "James was in there with him. Ask him, we know nothing." Lily snapped. Dumbledore pointed his wand at me, "Tell us now." I took a step back. "I woke him up and Snape jumped, then fell on his face. I had laughed for a few seconds, asking him if he was okay. Then, he just passed out." The old man lowered his wand, "Alright. Mr. Potter, stay here. The rest of you leave, the feast is about to begin." Lily, Remus, Sirius, and Peter left. "Mr. Potter, this may be a shock to you but, poor Severus here is getting abused. I hate to ask this of you. Can you owl your parents, seeing if this poor boy can stay with your dear family, during breaks and the summer?" Dumbledore finished speaking and I was shocked. "O-Of course!" I grabbed a quill, parchment, and a ink carton.

Dear Mom and Dad,
There is this one boy at my school, who is getting abused and Professor Dumbledore has asked me to do this. Can this boy stay with us during breaks and the summer? His name is Severus Snape. A Slytherin. Please?
James Potter

I sealed the letter and called for my owl. "Take this to my parents, thank you!"

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