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luke looked in the direction of the window, eyes widening when seeing a figure standing outside, right in front of his house.

he rubbed at his eyes, blinking multiple times, before focusing his gaze back on the window - but the figure was gone.

"i don't see anyone," luke said to daniel, trying to calm the kid, even though luke wasn't sure if he was even calm.

luke suggested they finish the movie, so they hopped onto the couch, trying to focus on the movie, but both their minds kept wandering back to the strange figure that had been outside.


"how much do you know about that thing you were talking about last night?" luke asked ashton timidly. he didn't know what he had seen; for all he knew it could have just been a man standing in front of his house for some reason.

but his mind kept telling him it was the thing ashton had told him about. luke didn't know what to think.

"not much, really. why?"

luke shrugged, swirling the straw around in his coffee. "i don't know, it seems kind of interesting."

"is lukey a believer now?" ashton teased, nudging the younger boy playfully.

luke made a face of disgust. "absolutely not. it's just a made up story."

"you keep telling yourself that," ashton said solemnly, taking a sip of his own drink.


i hope this isn't too boring so far

but thank you to everyone who is reading, commenting and voting!

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