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luke walked ashton back to his house from the coffee shop, making his way home right after.

to say luke wanted to know more about this mysterious myth was an understatement. after seeing what he saw, he couldn't take his mind off of it.

that's all he could call it.


rushing home, luke pulled open his front door, hurrying to his laptop on his small wooden desk.

what do i look up? he thought, trying to remember if ashton had said anything he could type in.

"anyone who see's him dies."

so, that's what luke typed in.

he scrolled down past several articles about a strange figure, patients at hospitals last words being about the dark figure as they lay on their death beds, much too young and healthy to die out of nowhere. they were the only source of knowledge about it, and they died just because of that.

he clicked the image option, immediately seeing various sketches and drawings of the same figure.

it was him.

then realization kicked in and ashton's words flooded luke's brain, causing him to pale almost instantly.

"anyone who sees him dies."

he had seen him.


i'm glad people are taking interest in this!!

i'm not the best writer, but i'm trying to keep it interesting

thank you to everyone who is reading, voting and commenting!

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