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minutes had passed and luke still hadn't moved - he was too shocked to.

the computer screen went black, due to him not touching the mouse for a while; not that he cared. he had other things on his mind.

he was sat there for what felt like hours, until the tiniest of movement showing off the black computer screen snapped him out of his thinking.

he looked at the screen, seeing what looked like a figure standing at the other end of the house.

he whipped his head around, looking at the exact spot the screen had showed, but saw nothing.


"did you hear about daniel?" ashton asked as soon as luke met up with him at the coffee shop.

"no? what happened?" luke asked nervously.

"he died, luke."

luke froze in his seat, unable to move. the only thing he could think about being the fact that daniel had been the first one to see him.

"luke?" luke's vision started going blurry. "luke!"

the last thing luke saw was ashton rushing over to his seat before everything went black.


sorry if this isn't too interesting :/

beginning's are kind of slow with me, but hopefully it'll get better(:

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