13. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 1

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Omniscient POV
*Junesville Manor*
Ashly & Brie are being pampered as its getting closer and closer to the birth of their children.

Ashly will be having another girl while Brie will be giving birth to twin boys.

"Are you girls okay? Do you need anything?" Luke came and asked.

"Can you stop asking us that, DAMN! If we needed anything we would've called, we're literally just sitting on this couch bed you made for us enjoying each other's company." Brienna snapped.

"I was just asking, geesh." Luke said in a defensive but kinda scared tone.

"Well in that case, can you reach me the remote my favorite brother-in-law." Brie said in a sweet tone.

"HEY!" Stephen and Antonio shouted from afar.

"Her hormones have been all over the place, but she's not the only one, what's going on Luke, I'm a telepathic empath, your recent thoughts are bothering you."  Ashly said to Luke and his attitude completely changed as he was now in the hot seat.

"It's about your siblings, yesterday they went against another group of Charmed Ones and they went up against Spiral and he got the book and the key." Luke answered.

Ashly and Brie became on edge, but Ashly didn't react just yet because she knew that wasn't all.

"Even though that can mean the end of the world, you're more concerned about Kristal and Gabby." Ashly said probing Luke's mind so he can feel comfortable to speak on his own.

"What's going on with my sisters that's bothering you so much you can't even tell her own sisters?" Brie asked propping herself up on the couch.

"Well Kristal's and Gabby's demon side is not so latent anymore, and as a being who's part demon, it's a very scary thing, Kristal almost created a firestorm and Gabby trapped one of the witches in a frozen block of ice filled with water and electricity." Luke said in a tone that seemed like it hurt him to say.

"What was the darkest thing you did as a demon?" Brienna asked.

"Kill mothers in front of their own children." Luke said as a tear dropped.

*Halliwell Manor*
The Halliwell sisters were in their attic coming up with a plan for the demon spiral and a plan b just incase they can't fully trust Kristal, Gabby, Shyann, Normani, and Joshua.

"Don't you find it odd that a witch had all that power to do what she did?" Prue blurted and asked.

"Uhm you're gonna have to be less vague." Phoebe replied.

"The Kristal and Gabby girls." Prue said as it was really bothering her.

"I mean well Prue, they are Charmed Ones of a different origin of magic and prophecy than us." Paige said trying to be optimistic.

"Whether it's this origin or that origin, I know demon when I see one." Prue said as she started walking towards The Book of Shadows and started to use her telekinesis to flip through the book rapidly.

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