Sierra 01

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Third Person's POV

Once upon a time, a King and a Queen governed over the realm of Dasrelia .

The Queen was caring and flawless, and every one of the individuals in the town admire her while the King was a loving husband and he truly cares to those individuals in the town, he keeps his word, acts with honesty, and takes responsibility for his actions.

The King and the Queen ached for a kid... in any case, the sovereign can't bring forth one so they asked/requested a pixie's assistance requesting 1 girl and 1 boy that each had their qualities dependent on the King's desire.

One had the most attractive skin of all, with blood red lips and porcelain skin.The other,with an alluring generosity and sympathy.

The sovereign got her desire, and got said attributes in each of her kids. Each were similarly close and splendid, all were loved by the realm, the same amount of as their folks until one day...

The Queen's sister who begrudge her, chose to assault their realm so that sovereign's little girl, the most powerful among  all the elemental users, will die.

So the king and the queen concluded that they will leave their little girl on the human world with the goal that her life will be out of peril and when the opportunity arrives, the foster parents will enroll her to the sierra academy

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