Moving (IzayaxReader)

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"Thank you again, for allowing me to stay here for a couple of days", I spoke over my shoulder to Shinra, who was standing at the doorway wearing his usual white coat and carefree smile. 

"No problem", he said."As long as your gone in a couple of days, since me and my beautiful Celty need some alone time." 

He then just went on talking about his 'oh so wonderful Celty' and how she was the 'Light of his life' which I thankfully managed to almost blend out fully.

I had gotten sick of my parents constantly trying to control every single aspect of my life, so I decided to move out.

Unfortunately the renovations in my apartment took longer than expected, which meant that I had no place to live. Thankfully my cousin Shinra lives near my new apartment and allowed me to stay here for the next couple of days.

After awhile Shinra left me alone, so that he could go and bother Celty and I could finally unpack my things in peace.

Most of my possessions were in the moving truck ao that there wasn't really alot to unpack and I was finished in the span of a couple of minutes.

I laid down on the bed and checked my social media, before I stated playing some dumb game on my phone to pass the time.

After some time I grew really bored and went to find Shinra or Celty. Finally I found Celty in the kitchen, looking a bit exasperated and distraught. I decided to help her cook dinner, which was really the least thing I could do after invading their house.

It was actually a lot of fun and the food turned out not to be half bad.

I went back into the guest room after saying good night and went to sleep, since I would have to go to work on the next day.


I was on my way to work when I saw Shizuo running after Izaya trying to catch him. I smiled a little. Some things would never change.

Work was very hectic today and even if I normally enjoy my work, today I couldn't wait for it to finally end. I just hoped that my work here wouldn't be always this stressing, seeing that today was also my first day at the new work place.

When it was finally over and I somehow managed to drag myself back to Shinra's I was half dead and couldn't wait to finally get into bed and sleep for the next 12 hours.

I finally got inside the apartment when i heard voices from the living room. I froze when I realized, who the voice belonged to. 

Really?! He had to come now!? When my hair was disheveled and I was really sweaty. Great. Just my luck.

I thought about going silently into my room to make myself look at least a little bit more presentable, but it was no use since he had already heard me.

 "[Y/n]~ I haven't seen you in a long time. How are you?", Izaya said leaning on the sofa seemingly without a care in the world. But when you looked closer, you could see the calculating look in his eyes and the subtle twitch of his muscles, that indicated that he would be ready to go into an defensive position in a matter of seconds, probably shorter if given to believe that he was in any kind of danger.

"Fine, I heard you achieved your goal to become an informant broker?" I said casually, without leaving him out of my sight.

"Yeah, I'm one of the best if not the best in Japan", he said seeming a bit proud of himself.

"Congratulations", I said only with a hint of sarcasm.

"So what brings you here?"

"What's it to you?"

"I'm an informant broker. "

I just rolled my eyes, before I said:"I got a good job offer here and decided, that it would be time for me to move out from my parents."

We talked for awhile until Shinra came back into the room and started discussing with Izaya about the fact that he was sending Celty to do so many dangerous jobs. Nevermind that she was practically immortal.

After awhile of listening to manly Shinra's whining, my body seemed to realize how exhausted it actually was. So I just muttered something about going to bed, before I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth and laid down on the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

The next days passed in a blur; waking up, going to work and going to sleep. Today was Friday and I could barely remember, what had happened in the last days. Tomorrow I should finally be able to move into my own apartment and I couldn't be happier to finally have a place for myself.

I would miss talking to Izaya, since we had bonded alot since the day we saw each other again. It seemed like I had talked more to him than just a couple of days. 

I was beginning to unpack all of my stuff from the moving truck, when suddenly Izaya appeared in front of me. "Hey", he said. His appearence startled me so hard that I almost dropped the box I was carrying. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see were you will be living, or isn't that allowed?~" he grinned at me.

I took a deep breath, before resuming my way into the house. He followed me around and kept talking and while that normally wouldn't bother me at all, I was really over tired and wasn't in any mood for human interaction.

"Either you help me or you go, but either way, stop pestering me!" I hugged out.

For a moment he seemed surprised, before he started helping me. The heavy stuff was luckily brought already yesterday, so that we didn't have to be worried about that.

When we finally finished Izaya told me that I owed him one, for treating him like my personal servant and that I should take him out. I acted reluctant for a moment, before I finally agreed feeling very happy.


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